So the thing about starting a blog is – I’m ridiculously nervous about it. I want the title to be exactly right and the design to look “like me”. And heaven forbid I actually write the first blog post. Will it be interesting? funny? worthwhile enough for anyone who happens to read it?

Of course these are all things the perfectionist side in me brings out (annoyingly so), which when you think about it, really isn’t too helpful when I’m trying to start something new and exciting. But I digress.

In my day job, I write all the time – mostly about turkeys and chickens and the farmers who raise them in Minnesota.  I put words to our websites, I write snippets for our weekly member email newsletters, I write Facebook posts and Twitter updates and YouTube descriptions, I write press releases and media kits, and I even write and edit our monthly publication called – wait for it – Gobbles.  (That is so the best title for an agriculture magazine ever. Admit it.)

But this blog is for me.  And for you, if you are so inclined to keep track of me. It’s been living in my mind for quite some time, quietly needling away at me until I just got down to it. In another post, I will explain how I was inspired by my new AgNerd friends (yes, this is an affectionate term, trust me) through the AgChat Foundation to start this blog, but for now, I will just say (perhaps at least three times, as I click my purple heels), I am ready. I am ready to share some of my interests and passions. Ready to share the funny stuff my 8-year-old son says. Ready to share what I know – and often what I am still learning – about agriculture, as a farmer’s daughter, and about raising poultry, because that’s what my career has been all about for the past 17 years.  And you can be sure that I will love to share a really good turkey recipe, my obsession with Pinterest and some completely adorable Instagram pictures of my dog from time to time.

So – deep breath here! – feel free to learn more about who I am here, and welcome to Printmyemotions. I really look forward to meeting you!

Here’s where you can find “MN Gobble Gal” most weekdays – in my office, working on behalf of turkey and chicken farmers as the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota and the Midwest Poultry Federation. Have I told you I have an amazing job? Well, I do!

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