
My nephew/Godson, Davis, is going away to college at the University of Nebraska this week.

Wasn’t he just 6 years old and in kindergarten?

Didn’t I just see him running around the farm, chasing Grandpa’s black lab, Summer, and asking a zillion questions about everything?

Davis and Summer, the black lab.
Davis and Summer, the black lab.

Wasn’t he just begging to ride the golf cart and helping Grandma Marilyn pick pumpkins?

Go Big Red (My Wishes for Davis) | Printmyemotions
Wow – this was a while ago. 🙂 Davis with Grandma Marilyn (my mom) and me, along with Guido the pug.

Now he’s … well, he’s a college student. (Plus he towers over me in height.)


How did that happen?

I visited the University of Nebraska with Davis last fall (I wrote about it here) and I could already tell he is so ready for college. But even though I know he will do well, be able to adjust to living without his parents (mostly) and (probably) do his own laundry once in awhile, it’s still seems a little crazy to watch him leave the nest.

Last weekend, we had a going-away party for Davis, which got me thinking. I’m not one for cheesy good-byes, but when I drove home, I started thinking about all these “wishes” that I had for him, as he packs up his truck with all his college-bound stuff and heads to Lincoln full of anticipation, excitement and, I’m guessing, a bit of nervousness, too.

So in no particular order, here are my wishes for Davis:

  • That you will love college – because I think you are ready for the challenge.
  • That you will miss your family but realize that we’re always here for you, no matter how far away you are. This is your time – you will always be able to come home to the farm and your family but take advantage of everything college has to offer you.
  • That you can text anytime, even if it’s just to say hi or give me crap about fantasy football. (Maybe especially to give me crap about fantasy football.)
  • That, by the way, I’m still not going to accept every trade you offer me in fantasy football. (But you can always keep trying.)
  • That you will do your Mom proud and get your laundry done once in a while. And that you will know enough not to mix the whites with all that red you are taking with you.
  • That sometimes life doesn’t always turn out how you think it will. And sometimes that’s okay.
  • That  popcorn with M & M’s can make a very good meal in a pinch. (Shhh! Don’t tell your Grandma Marilyn about that.)
  • That you will take time to have fun, meet new people and not take life too seriously all the time.
  • That you will call your grandparents once in a while – they will miss talking to you as often as they do now.
  • That you should work just as hard on your short game as you do on your monster drives. (And yes, I say this even as my own short game sucks.)
  • That you will make your own decisions and do what’s right for you. (Just because you can, doesn’t mean you always should.)
  • That you open the car door for a girl on your first date. Seriously.
  • That you will take your studies seriously, work hard and find a way to make your dreams come true. You can do anything you set your mind to do.
  • That you know we love you and are very proud of the young man you have become.

Wishing you much luck as you head to Lincoln this weekend, Davis. Go Big Red!

My College Wishes for Davis | Printmyemotions
From little boy to college freshman, in what seems like the blink of an eye.

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