Garden shed - turned turkey barn for Minnesota Presidential Flock 2013 | via

My Wordless Wednesday has a few words. I can’t help it. I write. That’s what I do. I love taking pictures, but I love captioning them too. So you’ll forgive me, right?

Goodnight, Minnesota’s Presidential turkeys. They are tucked away, cozy in this beautiful and festive garden shed-turned-turkey-barn, at least for the next couple of weeks.

Soon enough, two of the most well-behaved birds will be picked to travel to Washington DC for a very Presidential pardon at the White House. (Although, I have a strong hunch my farmer friend, John, already knows who is up for the trip.) At that point, life will be all camera flashes, video interviews and livestreaming to the world.

For tonight, though, it’s a quiet, peaceful existence under this big huge sky, where even a gobble may go undetected.

Goodnight, turkeys.

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