As I head into the New Year, I took a few moments this morning to check out my most-read posts of 2013. It’s always fun to look back to see what really got shared by readers!

Not all of these were written in 2013, including my #1 most popular post of all time about pheasant hunting with my family. Who knew hunting in cute polka dot mud boots would be so widely read well over a year later?

#6 – Thanksgiving in Washington DC – #PresidentialTurkey13

#5 – Can We Chat About Eggs?

#4 – Best Turkey Lasagna. Seriously.

#3 – Stop with the Growth Hormones and Steroids Already (Or How I Bust A Myth)

#2 – Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken)

#1 – Hunting in Polka Dot Boots

Later today Teacher Man, Joe, Earl the pug and I will head out to my family’s farm for New Year’s Eve. We are looking forward to spending time at my brother’s home, where we will keep things simple (pizza) and celebratory (champagne). The kids will hunker down in the basement playing video games and watching movies while the adults will watch football and basketball and enjoy some friendly Big Ten rivalries. (We’ve got Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska fans in our midst.)

Cheers to all of you who have found my blog this year – I’m looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming year. And from my family to yours, I wish you a safe, happy and healthy 2014!

Top 6 Blog Posts for 2013 | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comA little blast from the past – last year’s New Year’s Eve with my niece Audree!


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