Wordless Wednesday: Bored with SnowbootsI think I’ve worn my snow boots more this winter than in any other winter in recent memory. That’s what it seems like, although perhaps it’s because winter seemed to start earlier and the past six weeks have been ridiculously cold. (Yes, even for the Minnesota tundra.) Or maybe I’m just getting older, which leaves me less patience for a long winter.

Don’t get me wrong, I like my snow boots and all; they serve their purpose well. But I do long for the days when I can wear whatever fun shoes I want and don’t have to worry about slipping on the ice or trekking through snow in the parking lot as I head to the office or supermarket.

Given that I live in Minnesota and it’s only mid-January, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Sigh. A girl can dream.

Fun shoes. Give me my fun shoes back.

0 comments on Wordless Wednesday: I Want My Fun Shoes Back

  1. You need to think of all the “fun” you can have in your snow boots. Not that you cannot have fun in the other shoe. TODAY

  2. I live in the same place, and I know how you feel. I have been satisfying my desire by wearing them in the house. It is not working out as well as I like it to but I like wearing my heels that much I have to try something. I have thought about bringing them out to change into even… We will see how that goes. 😉

    • I love it – I think I will start wearing them around the house for fun, at least! I do, occasionally, switch out shoes at work – but in the winter, more often than not that means out of the snow boots and into some regular tall boots just for the sheer warmth factor. Good luck with the winter shoe doldrums – I know we can make it through! 😉

    • It’s awful, isn’t it? In October, I kind of get excited about wearing sweaters and hats and coats … but not anymore. I’m done with winter! Hang in there, Cynthia!

  3. I hear ya, Lara! I am a flip flop kind of girl. I do wear them at home, but actually because I am dealing with a neuroma and my toes hurt to wear some shoes! All the more reason to go south!

    • Love my flip flops, too, Kathy! And was just thinking last night that I’m hoping the weather in Orlando is nice enough for some flip flop action – I’ll be heading down there for a short work-related trip for about 4 days. At least I’ll have a little reprieve from winter and will be sure to bring some fun shoes with me as well! 🙂

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