Wordless Wednesday: Wishful Thinking | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Wishful thinking for a garden bed full of bright, colorful zinnias.

Current temperature: -8 degrees (and that doesn’t count the wind chill). Yes, it’s January and yes, it’s Minnesota. But I can still take out my garden catalogs and wish for warmer, spring days. It’s what we do here in Minnesota when the weather gets downright nasty. It helps us pass the time, as we bundle ourselves up in quilts and crank up the heat.

Or maybe that’s just me.

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0 comments on Wordless Wednesday: Wishful Thinking.

    • It’s 32 degrees as I write this – on a Friday night! But … in about 24 hours, it’s back to brutal cold. Oh well! One day isn’t bad at this point – I’ll take it!

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