Joe's 10th Birthday | via

I am quite sure Joe would be mortified to hear me call him “my baby boy” but that’s a mother’s prerogative. (Insert evil laugh here.) It’s his birthday today and he is now officially 10 years old.

Double digits!

Was it really 10 years ago that we headed to the hospital in the middle of a snowstorm? My husband had to wave down the snowplow driver on our street for help in quickly getting us out of our driveway.

Today, we are in the midst of a blizzard warning, plummeting temperatures (down to around -15 degrees below zero overnight) and dangerous wind chills (-40 to -50 degrees below zero!) expected for most of tonight and tomorrow.

Of course, in Joe’s eyes this weather is truly an extra birthday present: another day off from school tomorrow!

Happy, Happy Birthday to my baby boy, Joe!

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