Wordless Wednesday:  Earl the Pug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comI often blog or do other work at the kitchen counter. I sit on one of our barstools, type away on my laptop, and Earl the pug sits right underneath me on the hardwood floor. He is oblivious, it seems, to the fact that the floor can not possibly be as comfortable as his fleece lined bed.

Earl doesn’t care. He just loves to be close.

And when it’s time to get Joe into bed, Earl slowly gets up, stretches his little arthritic legs, and comes with us. Joe changes into his pajamas, brushes his teeth, and then they both snuggle in bed, waiting for me to read to them.

It’s seriously one of my favorite times of the day.

Tonight, as for several nights prior, we have been reading the 2nd book in the “Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder” series, appropriately titled “Bubble in the Bathtub.”

Nothing says 10-year-old, fourth grade boy more than “fart.”

Before you roll your eyes, I will tell you that these books are fun, witty and quite well written by Norwegian author Jo Nesbo. Currently, our young hero and heroine have hopped a plane from Oslo to Paris and are searching for the missing Doctor Proctor and the love of his life, Juliette Margarine. Throw in a time machine bubble bath and things are definitely going to get interesting.

Good stuff. 🙂

I figure nights like these are to be cherished, as there are not too many more years (months? weeks?) when my 10-year-old will want me to read to him. So … here we are, the two of us with Earl the pug snuggled in between, already sleeping, already snoring. (He is a pug, after all.)

Good night!

Bedtime Reading Routine | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

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