Wordless Wednesday: Silly Selfie | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comA silly selfie before we all go to bed … another Wednesday done and in the books, another step closer to the things we’re looking forward to:

Me – My convention (the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention) and, immediately following, recovery and relaxation on our spring break vacation in the Florida Keys.

Joe – His school trip next trip next week to the Mill City Museum in Minneapolis and, soon (very soon!) some pool and beach time in the Florida Keys.

Earl – His next sleep (it’s hard to get enough sleep when you’re 13 and you’re a pug) and his next meal, which will be breakfast tomorrow.

For the record, Earl will not be enjoying the Florida Keys. He will, however, make himself right at home on the farm, where he will get fed carrots in the kitchen and snooze while my parents watch college basketball. Not a bad gig, all in all.

Happy Wednesday!


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