Happy Monday, all! It was a gray, dreary, windy, cold and rainy spring day here – barely surpassing 40 degrees, not that I noticed or anything.

The only saving grace on this ugly day is the fact that I can actually use my favorite umbrella!

My favorite pug umbrella | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Of course, the real (read: lazy) pug in our house wanted nothing to do with the outside today and everything to do with sleeping (and snoring) through this depressing weather. (Wait. That’s what he does every day, no matter what the weather.)

My favorite pug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

While it was tempting to hide away under a quilt all day, I diligently went to work and, in fact, spent a great afternoon in the office with some other poultry and agriculture gals, discussing various communications challenges and opportunities we face.  Truth be told, I wasn’t too excited this morning about another meeting (and on a Monday to boot), but once we got things rolling, it was very worthwhile.

We call ourselves the “poultry communicators” and while we don’t get together in person very often, we are always available via email and phone if we have a question or need something specific from each other.  It’s nice to have that back-up of other folks who do similar jobs and speak the same “language.”

We’re a range of ages and years in the industry and all of us have slightly different perspectives, so it’s always a lively discussion (in a good way) when we bounce ideas off each other. There are men who are also on our “poultry communicators” list, but today, it was all about the women  and it was great to get together and talk about our jobs, our industry, what we need to be doing better, and how we can help each other.

In unrelated news, I am headed to Arizona on Wednesday with Joe for a family wedding this upcoming weekend. Tomorrow we could see snowflakes in Minnesota and on Wednesday when we land in Phoenix, it will be 90+ degrees.

Arizona Weather Forecast | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

I’m pretty sure we’re going to love that.

We’re on the same flight as my parents, sister and niece (baby Morgan) and my cousin from Iowa, while on Thursday, my sister-in-law and other nice (Miss A.) will join us. Unfortunately Teacher Man isn’t making the trip as it would’ve been tough to take that many days off from school.

Poor guy. He’s going to miss a whole lot of fun!

That is, once I get all my nervous family members through the airport process. My sister has already announced she will be fried, traveling with a four-month-old. And because my sister will be fried, my mother will be a nervous wreck. (And I mean this in the nicest way, Mom, if you are reading this!)

Thank goodness I have Joe, who is a seasoned travel professional – or at least as much as one can be when you are 10. He and I are up to the challenge of navigating the adults and baby Morgan through the airport with minimal stress.

Monday Musings | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

But first, we may have to have a family meeting before we all leave for the airport. You know, just to calm everyone’s nerves.

In the meantime, I’ve got to get packing. With temps between 90 and 100 degrees, it should be pretty easy … shorts, tanks, sundresses, a swimsuit and flip flops – with some fun wedges thrown in there for good measure. It’s like the absolute perfect summer wardrobe.

Except that I’m bad at packing and will want to take too many pairs of shoes.

Too many shoes! | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

I know, it’s a real problem.

I’m guessing I may post a photo or two of the trip, so you can check us out on my Facebook page and on Instagram, too.

Bye-bye faux-spring and hello summer for the next five days!

0 comments on A Little Bit About My Monday.

  1. Lara:
    Have fun in sunny Arizona. May I ask, who you are affiliated with re: poultry communicators? Sounds like an interesting group of people.


    • Thanks, John – I have already packed the sunscreen and will remember the hat! 🙂 The poultry communicators are folks in the poultry companies in Minnesota – i.e., Jennie-O, GNP, Sparboe, etc. along with the communications people at the MN Department of Agriculture and the MN Board of Animal Health. We may also have a DNR person joining us as well. It’s a good group to keep connected with!

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