Embracing a summer day off | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Remember that post last year I wrote about embracing days off from work?

Okay, I do but you probably don’t. (You can find it here.)

Well, I’m embracing that concept this summer. This doesn’t mean I’m not working – or that I don’t take my work very seriously. Of course, I enjoy my job immensely; I’m getting my work done and making sure I’m not slacking off. (Slacking off is sooooo NOT me.)

But, I am trying to “slow down” and make sure I take some time off to enjoy summer and spend time with my family and friends.

Take today, for instance.

Joe and I babysat our niece/cousin, Morgan, while her parents were at work. And it truly was about the most fun we could have! Morgan is a little over six months old and she’s at that wonderful age that is full of gummy smiles, trying to grab everything in sight, and sitting up (with a little help) to check out the world around her.

It wasn’t like we did anything more than hang out at her house, play with her toys, take the dogs out, and enjoy the lovely sunny summery day. But truly, does there need to be anything more than that? Sometimes it’s the simple pleasures that create the most smiles and laughs and memories. And a good nap or two is always a thing of beauty, too. 🙂

Today was a #slowsummer day with Morgan and Joe and I couldn’t be happier about that. How’s your summer going so far?

Embracing a summer day off | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Embracing a summer day off | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Embracing a summer day off | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Embracing a summer day off | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Embracing a summer day off | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com



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