Ask The Farmers Program | via

Here’s a novel concept:

If you have a questions about your food  – where it comes from, how it’s grown – why not ask the farmer?

Sure, easy enough if you live next to a farm, you say. But what about those of you who don’t know farmers and may not live anywhere near an agricultural area.

Well, I have exciting news for you. I am thrilled to be part of a new social media group called “Ask The Farmer.”  Several of my farmer friends – all amazing, strong and intelligent women, by the way – have banded together to create a place where you can go to ask any question about food and agriculture that’s on your mind.

Truly, it’s that easy!

Here’s where you’ll find us:

To ask a question, just head to the Facebook page, the website or send an email to A farmer with expertise in the area of your question will respond via a blog post on the website (which will also be shared on Facebook, as well). Plus, all posts will be archived for future reference.

I think it’s going to be an excellent (and much-needed) reference, especially since most of us are far-removed from farming and food production.

While I don’t work in day-to-day farm production like all the rest of these amazing women do, I’m honored, as a born-and-raised farm girl, to be included in the group and I’m excited to share the poultry knowledge I have gained over my two decades of working with poultry farmers.

In fact, I just did this week! The very first question asked of this group was about the white eggs and brown eggs – specifically, are there any differences nutritionally or otherwise? My answer was just posted this afternoon on the the website so check it out!

All of these farm women are passionate about what they and their families do and are eager to provide accurate information and resources for your questions. Plus they are a diverse group, covering a lot of different types and sizes of farming.

So what are you waiting for?  Go ahead and ask the farmers!

Ask The Farmers Program | via


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