It’s the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, so it’s clear to those who know me that I don’t have much time write. Life at the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association is crazy busy right now and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Just this week I’ve talked to the New York Daily News, a reporter in San Diego,  ABC News and a radio station from Colombia (the country!) – and that doesn’t even cover a quarter of the media calls we’ve taken about turkey farming this week. (I know – cool, right? #LoveMyJob)

If you’d like to read about five things I’m especially thankful for this year, pop on over to my blog on

And then there is this, which is making me smile amidst the media chaos today.

Family Fun | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comLast Saturday, we babysat our 11-month-old niece, Miss Morgan. After lunch, we decided it was warm enough to go for a family walk around the neighborhood. Most of us looked pretty psyched – but I think Miss Morgan was withholding judgment. 🙂 Although, I will say this – I don’t think it was about the company she was with; I think she was a bit disconcerted about all the winter gear we put on her – rather like Ralphie’s younger brother in A Christmas Story, if you remember that classic!

Here’s wishing you a most wonderful Thanksgiving, and I hope you enjoy your fair share of turkey!

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