It’s Friday night and I’m almost headed out the door to have a little dinner out with my boys, Joe and Teacher Man. Joe is, oddly enough, finishing his homework now because he told me he “doesn’t want this hanging over his head all weekend.” Who is this boy?

The week at work has been a little more normal, thank goodness, so I am not acting like a crazy woman with too much going on. Although, to be perfectly honest, I do have too much going on. Story of my life. 🙂

Without further ado, some random Friday fun-ness for you:

1. How do you pronounce my first name properly?

Many, many, many adults cannot get this right. My 1-year-old niece, Miss Morgan, however has absolutely no trouble with my name. I think she makes quite a convincing tutorial, yes?

2. So … how are the birthday plans coming?

I had to laugh when I read this article because I’m trying to figure out Joe’s upcoming birthday plans right now. Since he will be 11, however, we have nixed a big party and are encouraging him to have one friend over for a sleepover. Luckily, he’s all for that – so there’s no pressure to figure out some big elaborate theme or activity. Honestly, when I was kid, we would just have friends over to the farm, run around outside, and then come in for cake and ice cream – and we turned out just fine. 🙂

3. Our dog might be nearly deaf but he loves to hang out while Joe is playing piano.

It’s true … and actually, he loves to sit under the piano bench when I play too. I’m sure it’s mostly because he just wants to be near us, but I have to wonder if he can actually hear what he wants to hear – kinda like when he comes running after I open a bag of Doritos.

Earl the Pug loves piano | via

4. I can’t believe I can grow orchids.

Seriously. I thought orchids were difficult and finicky, but apparently this particular orchid isn’t – or it just likes the east window in my four-season porch. (I sound like my Grandma Anderson – she always talked about where things were using a direction, as in “The forks are in the draw just south of the sink,” or “You can stay in the west bedroom this weekend.”) We received this orchid from our friends, Bill and Kaye, in honor of my mother-in-law, who passed away a couple of years ago. And now it’s blooming again and that’s about the most smile-inducing thing about January in Minnesota ever!

Orchid blooming in January | via

5. My 3rd favorite cocktail.

Besides my venerable sidecar (#1) and my cranberry-pomegranate cosmopolitan (#2), I forgot I love Colorado bulldogs until Teacher Man and I had a date afternoon last weekend, which included a stop at a old college bar in St. Cloud, D.B. Searles, that used to (according to Teacher Man) make the best Colorado bulldogs around. Unbelievabley enough, 25 years later, they still do! 🙂

Colorado Bulldog at D.B. Searles | via

I’m linking up with Diary of a Real Housewife, The Farmer’s Wife and September FARM today.

Have an amazing weekend, everyone!



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