Welcome to Friday, everyone!

Or as we say around here … the 3rd straight weekend of Joe’s birthday.

It’s a bit ridiculous, actually, but because of various schedules and other activities, we’ve already had two birthday celebrations and now this weekend he’s FINALLY having a good friend of his over for a birthday sleepover.

After Sunday, though, this mama is cutting off the parties. That is it!

I mean, I love a good birthday party, but c’mon. Three weekends is enough to wear me out.

Or maybe it’s the travel and busy work schedule that does that to me? Last week, I was in Atlanta for a huge poultry show. This week I was in the office, working madly to get (sort of) caught up after being out all week. And now next week, I’m headed to the National Turkey Federation Convention.

But don’t hate me when I tell you where it is. (Puerto Rico.)

I know, I know. PUERTO RICO!

I’ve never been, but I’m beyond excited to hear the ocean, walk on the beach and feel some warm sunshine on my face. It’s just the whole “prepping the household” thing that stresses me out: stocking the pantry with man-friendly meal options, catching up on the laundry, making sure the dog has his special canned food on hand, packing.

Packing. Oy vey. If I wasn’t attending meetings it would be easier – flip flops and sundresses. But alas, I suppose I better bring some appropriate work attire as well. Do people actually stay inside and work in Puerto Rico?

In any case, this weekend will be spent getting Teacher Man and Joe organized in my absence. Oh, and a pedicure is scheduled. Definitely a pedicure.

(Disclaimer: while Teacher Man and Joe are not too happy to be stuck in school while I am drinking mojitos by the pool working diligently at meetings all day, we decided a few months ago that we would travel to Hawaii as a family this summer when I can truly enjoy a full vacation with them. So, don’t feel too sorry for them.)

In the meantime, here are a few photos from the week – not five, as the blog title would suggest, but I’m going to break my own rule here because I’m too exhausted right now to care.

Playing piano with a pug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Big news! Joe advanced to the finals of his state piano contest, which means he will play his song for a judge at the University of Minnesota in March! This is his very first piano contest so we really had no expectations – we just wanted him to be happy with how he played. So proud that he advanced – he has worked very hard on his song!

How we pass the time before piano lessons | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

And this, friends, is how Joe and pass the time, waiting for his piano lessons to begin. 😉 Joe decided to mess up my hair on purpose and then proceeded to laugh at how goofball I look … and I thought, why not a selfie?

There's a chance this is wine coffee mug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram (@MNGobbleGal), then you’ve already seen this photo. I just can’t get over how fun this coffee mug is – a Christmas gift from Kirby over at 15009 Farmhouse blog.

Oh, it feels so wonderful to write a blog post again! I feel like I haven’t been very diligent about that lately – winter is such a busy time. And I miss it when I don’t write often. It’s good to be back, if only for a day!

By the way, I’m linking up with Diary of a Real Housewife, September FARM and The Farmer’s Wife.

Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! And if you have any packing tips – especially on how to maximize the number of shoes one can put in a suitcase – please let me know. 🙂

– Lara –

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