Assuming the blog writing position | via

I’m sitting in the porch tonight, assuming my blog writing position. Which means: slippers on, dog at my feet, quilt keeping me warm, Joe sharing the couch with me, and Madam Secretary tuned in on the television. Joe and I love Sunday night and wish it would last longer. 🙂

My sister-in-law, Judy, and our niece and nephew (Kayla and Corbin) came to visit this weekend. Kayla had a dance competition in nearby Monticello so we were a great “base camp”. The girls spent the majority of both days at the dance competition, while the boys hung out mainly at home, driving over to Monticello only to see Miss Kayla do her dance thing (which was just fine with them).

Given the fact that I live with two boys (three if you count Earl the pug), the world of dance competitions is quite foreign to me. As such, I made a few observations this weekend:

1) The best way to carry all the stuff you need for dance competitions is a Stanley tool box on wheels – tricked up with stickers, glitter and girly things.

2) Knowing how to quickly and effectively manage hairstyles is crucial – including “ratting” a whole head full of hair, and subsequently “unratting it” after a routine is done. No easy task, believe me, especially when you have as much hair as Miss Kayla.

printmyemotions.wordpress.com3) Brothers and boy cousins are not usually too thrilled to go watch these dance routines, but they suck it up because that’s what brothers and boy cousins do to support their sister/girl cousin.

4) My niece has the moves – and she rocked both of her routines. 🙂

5) And it can also melt my heart (no pun intended; artwork behind is purely coincidental, I promise!) when Teacher Man can spend some time with his lovely Goddaughter. But for the record, he still doesn’t want to spend hours at a dance competition. Ever.

Good times, people. Good times.

And now we’re soon off and running on another Monday. For me, that means two more work weeks before my annual convention comes to fruition and the work I’ve been doing in earnest since October will all come together. Everything is looking good, though, and I’m feeling good about where my to-do list is.

Watch for a new #TurkeyTuesday recipe this week, too!

Until next time,





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