I figure it was 16 hours tops.

That’s how much sleep I got total on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  Some people don’t need 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but I happen to not be one of those people.

This is why it would be more than a slight understatement to say I am very glad it’s Friday and I have – praise be! – an entire day off with no one in the house but me.

Now, don’t get all bent out of shape. I love my family. I love spending time with my family. But the truth is, I don’t get many days of down time all by myself in my own house. When this happens, I do a silent little happy dance and take full advantage. Wives/mothers, you’re with me on this, I know.

A girl needs some alone time with no schedule, yes? And in my case, for these five lazy reasons today:

1) For ignoring my work email and, instead, catching up on all my magazines … food, fashion, life. I seriously love going through magazines. It’s my #NerdyJournalismMajor self coming out – except that I didn’t read stuff like Time and The Atlantic Monthly. Just girly stuff today.

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

2) For getting a brand-new pedicure with purple polish. (Okay, so it was at the nail salon at Walmart. Not exactly a spa environment. However, I was the only person in there this morning, which gave me extra time in the massage chair. With my eyes closed, I could go pretty Zen and not even see the blue savings signs or hear the ringing of the cash registers.)

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

(Okay, I guess it’s kind of weird to see my feet this close up. But the purple polish is so springy, right? #SorryNotSorry)

3) For eating as many peanut butter chips as I want. Does anyone love eating chocolate (or butterscotch or peanut butter) chips straight out of the bag? Please say you do. Otherwise, I might feel bad. Or maybe not.

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

4) For watching March Madness all afternoon. I love this time of year!

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

5) For giving undivided attention to Earl the pug, who – as you can clearly see from this photo – is very excited to have his mama home all day long. Doesn’t he just exude elation? Well, okay, maybe it doesn’t look like it, but trust me on this – the dog loves nothing better than nap time in the porch, as close to me as possible. And this, my friends, is exactly what happened after I took this photo. Now that I think of it, this is probably his “enough with the blogging already, it’s time for a nap” expression.

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

It also feels good to get back to blogging a bit, even if it is only to recount the many ways I was completely lazy today.

I’m linking up today with The Diary of a Real Housewife, September FARM and The Farmer’s Wife, so you’ll find tons of other Friday-related blog posts at these links. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

– Lara –



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