I am ridiculously tired tonight. As in – zero energy. None at all.

And yet, I don’t want to go to sleep. Instead, I am eating peanut butter pie frozen custard with chocolate sauce and writing blog posts. This is, of course, what makes Sunday nights and the inevitable creep of Monday’s to do list tolerable.

As long as I can lay on the couch while doing all this, I’m good. If I had to get up and walk anywhere, I’m pretty sure that would up my exhaustive state even further.

What is, perhaps, funny about all this is that I really have nothing much to write about it. No major rants. Nothing too exciting about the weekend. But here I am, wanting to write about … well, something.

So here are a few minor somethings on this Sunday evening:

Sunday Somethings | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

So Joe broke his foot last week. While I was in Atlanta for work. Which means I felt terrible for not being there. Now, of course, the real confession here is that no one knew it was a fracture at the time, and I did get home later that night so it wasn’t like I was gone for days. Plus, ahem, we didn’t even get Joe into urgent care until the next afternoon – fully 24 hours after he had done it. Teacher Man and I didn’t think it looked too bad – rub some dirt on it and all that. The doctor, however, took about 30 seconds to look at it and declared, “we need an x-ray!” And the rest, of course, is history.

Sunday Somethings | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Speaking of travel, I posted a picture on Facebook of this pre-packaged sandwich I purchased at the airport prior to flying to Atlanta and promptly received a response about how horrible some of these ingredients are. First of all: it’s a deli sandwich from the airport so chill out. Second of all: why do we all have to judge all the time? I just want to eat my turkey sandwich – supporting my turkey industry – and my Coke Zero in piece at Gate A18 while awaiting my flight. Sheesh.

Sunday Somethings | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

And just for Sunday night cuteness overload, I present my neice, Miss Morgan, and her dolly. She was using this basket as a bed for the dolly and apparently realized it would be even more fun to jump in there with her. Love this girl!

Sunday Somethings | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

My Sunday consisted of a little baking (oatmeal chocolate chip cookies – I adapted a new recipe from Trisha Yearwood here), a little gardening, a run in the beautiful sunshine, a Target trip with Joe (because it wouldn’t be the weekend without a run to Target), white cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches on cottage bread tonight for dinner (I mean, these were so perfect!), and complete laziness tonight.

I’m hoping I can hold Monday off for a little while longer. Hope you have a good start to the week!

– Lara –

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