So I guess we have ourselves a sixth grader now.


When I think of sixth grade, here are a few random memories from back in the day:

  • My teacher was Mr. Carlisle. He also happened to be my fifth grade teacher, as well. He was a good teacher, but after he decided to make the switch to sixth grade, I didn’t think this was fair at the time.
  • My parents took my brother and I out of school for a 3-week driving trip to the southwest part of the U.S. When we returned, I gave a report to my class about all the historical places we visited. Bonus – despite missing 3 weeks of school, I still received the academic award for my class that year. (Should I admit this? 😉 I still believe traveling is an amazing learning experience for kids – and adults – alike and I’m so glad my parents took us on trips like these.)
  • Despite the fact that later in life, my mother claimed yellow “just isn’t a flattering color on me,” in my school picture I’m wearing a matching yellow oxford shirt and sweater. These items also went really well with my big glasses and permed hair.
  • I began regular visits to the orthodontist, which led to retainers, braces, and yes, even a headgear. But I’m a better woman because of this, trust me.
  • On the last day of school, we played the Alabama Oak Ridge Boys song, “Elvira,” over and over and over again. I’m pretty sure Mr. Carlisle was glad to get us out of his classroom for good at that point.

And now Joe will be headed to middle school in the fall, which means he will graduate from high school in seven years. (Class of 2022!)

But before I freak out, get ahead of myself, and start planning his graduation party, I thought I’d share a few photo highlights from Joe’s last week in elementary school.

My sixth grader |

All the fifth graders participated in a special “graduation ceremony” at his elementary school, complete with diplomas, student readings, and special music. Oh, and ice cream sundaes for families after the ceremony was complete!

My sixth grader |

Grandma and Grandpa (and Joe’s cousin, Miss A.) came for the ceremony – and they knew just what graduation card to buy for a frog- loving obsessed dude!

My sixth grader |

This selfie, taken on the last day of school, perfectly encapsulates a boy and his crazy fun friends ready to usher in summer vacation. It was “Wacky Day” at school so the kids came in costume. Joe turned his Batman mask into part of a new superhero he created – “Bathman”. And as any good superhero knows, it’s important to have a sidekick, in this case “The Plumber”, complete with a plunger!

My sixth grader |

A closer look at Bathman and The Plumber. (Joe will miss his trusty sidekick, who is a couple of years younger than he is.)

2015-06-04 15.25.25

Joe was lucky enough to have Mrs. B. as his teacher for the past two years. (He’s in a school that groups kids in multiple grades together with the same teacher. In other words, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders share a classroom and a teacher.) We loved Mrs. B. – she helped nuture Joe’s love for art, writing, and comedy, while also encouraging his 5th grade leadership skills. We will miss her – and all the amazing teachers at Joe’s school who helped shape him into the young man he is becoming.

My sixth grader |

Mrs. B. gave each 5th grader this “word cloud” about them. (I have no idea if it’s called a word cloud for real; that’s the best way to describe it, I think.) Joe is definitely all of these – and I love how she incorporated his favorite word, “epik” (purposely spelled wrong, per Joe’s instructions.)

My sixth grader |

Joe’s school is very thoughtful in many ways, especially as they usher their 5th graders into middle school. Each year, a photo is taken and saved of the students, and on the last day of school, Joe brought home an envelope with the photos from his 3rd, 4th and 5th grade years. (Can you tell his goofball sense of humor really started to shine this year?)

My sixth grader |

And here’s one last look at the classroom he has been a part of for the past three years. Bittersweet but also exciting. (Sniff.)

My Sixth Grader | via

Bring on summer vacation!

– Lara –

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