I haven’t posted since June 9. Yikes – I hate that!

It couldn’t be helped, really. Last week, I was immersed in the summer conference of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and even prior to that, work was pretty much the priority. I wish I could say that’s going to change and I’ll have more time to blog now, but I’ll just have to see how it goes over the next couple of weeks. I have the post-conference wrap-up “stuff” to squeeze in, along with my usual workload and a work trip to Washington DC in less than a month. And did I mention avian influenza? While, thankfully, cases of the virus have slowed dramatically here in Minnesota (and elsewhere too), there is still much to be done to be ready for a possible re-introduction of the bird flu with the fall migratory season.

But enough about work. It’s still the weekend – albeit Sunday evening – so I’m going to share a few photos from our Father’s Day weekend.

2015-06-20 16.44.40

We got home Friday afternoon from my work conference, and after three naps (two in the car + one at home), I went to bed early and proceeded to sleep for 11+ hours. Apparently I was tired.

That left me well-rested on Saturday, when we took Joe to the annual Buffalo Days parade. We made a pit stop prior to the parade at Hayes Public House, this really cool Irish brewpub. The adults in the group enjoyed a beer and an apple ale – both brewed onsite – and all three of us quizzed each other with the Trivial Pursuit game available.  Oddly, three of our questions were about the Canary Islands, but at least we feel more knowledgeable about random geographical facts now.

Father's Day Weekend | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

I give you Joe’s favorite float in the parade … and if you know Joe at all, then you understand it’s because it contains a giant-sized box of Cheerios and Doritos, his two favorite foods in the whole world.

Father's Day Weekend | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

It was truly a beautiful evening for a parade.

Father's Day Weekend | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

My boys of summer. We took Teacher Man to a Minnesota Twins game today, which was fun despite the eventual loss to the Chicago Cubs. (Nothing like a grand slam in the 8th inning to really put a damper on the hopes of a comeback.) It’s a gorgeous stadium, though, that overlooks the downtown Minneapolis skyline, and with the abundant sunshine and 85 degree weather, what’s to complain about, really?

Father's Day Weekend | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

See what I mean?

Father's Day Weekend | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

I will not apologize for another selfie. 😉

Father's Day Weekend | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

And I would be remiss without sharing this little gem of my Dad and me walking down the aisle nearly 16 years ago. I have learned many pearls of wisdom from this man:

  • You can never plant too many trees.
  • A house isn’t a home until you have a rain gauge somewhere on the property.
  • Usually nothing worthwhile happens after the hours of midnight.
  • If a one-movie afternoon is good, a double feature is even better.
  • It is always worth venturing out in -30 degree weather to see a University of Minnesota basketball game at The Barn – aka Williams Arena.
  • Read, read, and read more.
  • Fast food drive-through menus and families of five don’t mix if you’re the driver, so it’s best to just order five cheeseburgers, five fries, and five Cokes – no matter what anybody else wants.
  • You can’t go wrong with a classic Sidecar cocktail.

I could go on, but I’ll leave it at that for now. After all, I’ve got the rest of the 2015 U.S. Open to watch tonight. 🙂

Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, Teacher Man, and also my father-in-law, Norman. I’m so glad Joe has these amazing men to look up to and learn from as he navigates through life.

And now we move on to what Teacher Man is referring to as the start of his “Birthday Week” which culminates in birthday #45 next Saturday. Joe was teasing him that he didn’t get a birthday week back in January – until I reminded him he had more of a birthday month, with celebrations on three straight weekends. “Oh yeah, I forgot,” he said with a grin. This, my friends, is my #boymom life.

Have a great start to the week!

– Lara –


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