A three-day holiday weekend is perfect for a little staycation, wouldn’t you agree? While I am longing for a true “unplugged” vacation, if you will, this will just have to wait until August, when I’ve slated 10+ days for a trip to Hawaii. (Sigh. Hawaii.)

Instead, we took advantage of the 4th of July weekend and started our staycation Thursday afternoon, when we headed over to my sister’s home to hang out for the next two days. She, our brother-in-law, and our niece, Miss Morgan, live only about 45 minutes from us so it’s pretty sweet to be so close. We had absolutely no schedule, which was brilliant!

On the 4th, we all descended upon Lake Washington, where our brother and sister-in-law own a lake home. They typically host a 4th of July party that is always without a doubt a good time. Then it was back home today – and back to a Sunday afternoon reality of laundry, grocery shopping, and the last of our staycation naps.

As I lament (just a little) that our staycation weekend is over, here are a few of my photos from the weekend along with some of my favorite staycation tips:

1. Stock on supplies – namely, champagne for my Laralitas, this yummy taco dip, M & M cookies for the kids (okay, adults too), this pasta salad, and Doritos for Joe.

Laralitas are easy and so good! Just fill a cute plastic cup with ice, fill about three-quarters with bubbly, and finish off with a splash or three of grapefruit juice. I used ruby red grapefruit juice this weekend but I also love white grapefruit juice. This makes a light, refreshing and festive drink poolside or by the lake. (Recipe and the name courtesy of my cousin and his wife in Texas!)

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

2. Find a pool. This is a no-brainer, especially if you have an 11-year-old who would live in the water if he could (and an 18-month-old cousin who is fast becoming a water baby herself).

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

3. Put the men in charge of the toddler while she naps. This is because the girls need a little downtime of their own by the pool, complete with Laralitas, a good array of magazines, and sister talk.

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

4. Take advantage of the long summer evenings and enjoy your surroundings. This means unlimited stroller rides courtesy of cousin Joe and a fully stocked sandbox.

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

5. Wine tastings, wine tastings, wine tastings. Find a local wine shop like Dolce Vita Wine Shop in Chaska that offers Friday night wine tastings (kids optional) and enjoy!

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

6. Pretty up those toenails for Independence Day! And enlist Uncle Teacher Man’s help to encourage the toddler to sit very, very still for her first ever pedicure. 🙂


7. Encourage naps. Nothing wrong with a well-placed nap on the way to the lake, even if it means the toddler will be up way past the last fireworks.

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

8. Be festive. Be very festive. There is no such thing as too much red, white, and blue on the 4th of July. And don’t be afraid to borrow a flag necklace as needed! (Thanks, Aunt Ailene!)

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

9. Try something new. You guys! After years of wanting to try stand-up paddleboarding in the worst way, I was finally able to give it a whirl on Lake Washington and it was so much fun!

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

10. Don’t be afraid to eat Frito Scoops for breakfast – especially in a tent with your cool cousin Joe. It’s a staycation, after all.

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

11. Take time to enjoy the view. And the fireworks your brother lit off for the kids. And the chance to spend hours laughing and enjoying wine, good food, and the company of family and friends.

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Tips for a good staycation | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

What are your tips for a great staycation?

– Lara –








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