It’s been a long while since I’ve written a Friday post, but I’m feeling inclined this morning to get a head start on the weekend. We don’t have big plans – just a little babysitting of our niece, Miss Morgan, tomorrow (yay!) and then catching up on life, otherwise known as groceries, laundry, fall garden prep, and whatever else comes along.

Maybe a nap. Okay. definitely a nap.

Here are few highlights from my week:

I started the week off with the Taylor Swift concert last Sunday night. I wouldn’t count myself as a die-hard T-Swifter but I enjoy her music and was quite impressed with the show she put on. I think the best part was her message to young girls – be true to yourself, be kind to others, and be positive.

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My mornings have totally changed since Joe headed off to middle school last week. He actually leaves to catch the bus by 7:05 a.m., leaving me with a good 55 minutes before I need to be in my office. Sometimes I go in early if I have some work I’d like to get a head start on; sometimes I run load of laundry or unload/reload the dishwater; and I’d say generally-speaking it’s just so quiet and relaxed now at home. I have time to pack my lunch and eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee (or even write a blog post!) without running around making sure we’re both ready to get out the door at the same time. I’m liking it quite a bit. 🙂

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If you follow my Facebook page, then you’ve seen me post a couple of links this week to information about antibiotics in food animal production and the concerns over antibiotic resistance. I won’t regurgitate all of it, but I will say my blogger friends over at Minnesota Farm Living and The Farmer’s Daughter have some really helpful information in their posts that is easy to understand. (Which is saying quite a bit because antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance are complicated topics.) I hope you will take a look!

What you really need to know about antibiotics in livestock production – Minnesota Farm Living

There are no antibiotics in your meat. Now Stop. – The Farmer’s Daughter

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Are you ready for fall? Our weather here in Minnesota has been more summer-like than autumnal, which quite frankly doesn’t bother me a bit – however, I was excited to add a touch of fall to my front porch this week, thanks to an abundance of pumpkins from my mom’s garden on the farm. I do love switching out some of the summer pots that are getting a bit unruly by this time and freshening the decor up with some gorgeous fall mums. I guess it’s time to bring on the pumpkin spice everything now!

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And finally … I guess we’ve got a drummer in our house. Joe started band this school year and has chosen percussion as his instrument. Today I’m picking him up from school so he can bring his drum set home this weekend and (presumeably) practice. This should be very, very interesting!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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