Is it really November 1? It just doesn’t seem possible that we’ve got two months left of 2015 and we’re heading smack dab into holiday season.

But alas, let us first review the highlights from Halloween weekend, which was spent in part on the farm with my family.

1) Cousins in costumes.Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comMiss Morgan is almost 2 so this was her first “real” Halloween with trick-or-treating – as the most adorable owl on the planet. Luckily, Joe was available to show her the ropes. Well, sort of. He’s a typical 6th grader – he was not totally sure he wanted to trick-or-treat, especially so early in the evening, but once he saw that other kids were out, he became infinitely more interested in it. He did mention, though, that “this is the most boring costume I’ve ever had.” Probably true since he didn’t have a costume this year, so we dug out an old jailbait outfit that Teacher Man wore a few years ago to a Halloween party. Hey, whatever works!

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comWhen you visit the farm on Halloween, trick-or-treating involves hopping in a pick-up truck and driving into town to visit some houses.

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comAfterwards, our little owl was still pretty hyped up about her trick-or-treating experience.

2) Going to the dogs!

Number of dogs on the farm on Halloween night: 8.

  • Two pugs (including Murray, above)
  • One English bulldog (Louie below)
  • One Old English bulldog
  • One French bulldog
  • One German shorthair
  • One chocolate lab
  • One English springer spaniel

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via

This is my Dad and the newest dog in the family, Colt, who apparently found Halloween quite exhausting.

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comThis was earlier in the day, when Joe met Colt for the first time. I believe this photo more accurately captures Colt’s puppy cuteness and his general energy level.

3) Earl the Pug – our little minion!

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comObviously Earl was thrilled with his choice of costume this year. 😉

4) Turkey – it’s not just for Thanksgiving …

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comMy brother served up turkey on the grill Saturday night – yum!

5) The day after.

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comMy family loves wine.

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.comApparently the grandkids were sent over to Grandma and Grandpa’s house with some toilet paper on Halloween night to cause a little trouble. It should be duly noted that the same grandkids helped clean up all the fun the next morning, too. 😉

I love the morning view from my brother and sister-in-law’s west-facing porch. This photo and the one below were taken about 7:00 a.m.

Now we’re back home and looking ahead to a busy week that, for me, includes a quick trip to Duluth and back on Tuesday for work and getting ready for my annual Girls Weekend, which kicks off on Friday. I am so ready for some quality time with all my favorite girls!

Happy November!


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