I have had mixed feelings about this week. 

On one hand, I’ve been in a writing slump for Agriculture.com and I can’t quite find my groove. I want to write a new post but I am not finding much inspiration. Plus it seems like I’ve got a hundred thousand items on my to-do list so my head has been spinning a little, doing too much multi-tasking and not enough breathing.

On the other hand, it’s Friday. Enough said.

I wasn’t too keen to get on with today, I must admit. I had a 3-hour dental appointment looming during which I received my first crown. Not fun – although it wasn’t nearly as bad as I envisioned. (Kind of like getting a filling, only longer. And at least my dentist has DirecTV and a TV on the ceiling.)

But … I am beyond excited – as in teenage girl-squealing-excited – to tell you that I bought tickets to the Duran Duran concert in July in Saint Paul. 

Duran Duran!!

I don’t know if you grasp the significance of this for me. I had posters on the wall in my bedroom. I couldn’t wait until Friday Night Videos came on so I could watch them. (Anyone else remember Friday Night Videos?) I wanted to marry the bass player when I was 14. 

Of course that last part didn’t exactly pan out, which really I’m grateful for every day. Mostly. 😉 

Instead, I’ve got four tickets and my three best girls going with me to a concert I have waited my entire life to attend. 

So Friday turned out to be fairly kick ass, despite the whole dentist-crown thing that threatened to drag me down.

Now I’m off to get the weekend started! On the agenda: Joe’s piano recital, lefse making with my mom, and a (hopefully) very relaxing Sunday during which I hope to get inspired to write for Agriculture.com.

Wish me luck.

In the meantime, five photos from the week:

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.comBecause even though it’s Christmas and the holiday decorations are out on my porch, I can’t just put away the Guard Pug sign. 

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.com

And our Christmas lights wouldn’t be complete without one of Joe’s frogs.

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.com

Speaking of Joe, I saw this picture and realized I have yet to post anything about our Hawaii trip in August. My bad! Here are my boys on the USS Missouri, overlooking Pearl Harbor. A fitting picture to post just a few days after the anniversary of this historic event on December 7.

High Five for Friday | printmyemotions.com

Now this is Friday fun! My dentist appointment got done just as school let out, so I could pick up Joe from school. I had a Target run to make so we treated ourselves to popcorn (Joe) and a peppermint mocha frappuccino (me)! And bonus – the Starbucks employee spelled my name right without me having to explain. #winning 🙂

High Five for Friday | printmyemotions.com

And Earl the Pug is happy (this is his happy face, I promise) Joe and I are home early today! 

Enjoy your weekend, friends!



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