Is anyone else out of sorts, a bit, now that we’ve gotten past Christmas? I had the hardest time on Sunday. It didn’t feel like Sunday. I was weirdly surprised to see NFL football teams playing and I completely forgot to walk out to the mailbox to get the Sunday newspaper until late afternoon. 

Also, I have been exhausted! I was thinking it might be my age catching up with me, but then my mom texted me on Saturday and said her new Fitbit clocked her at 10,000 steps by 3:30 pm that day. At that point, I had taken a 2.5 hour nap and walked a grand total of 2,500 steps and was still tired. Seriously, mom? 😉 

Other random notes:

  • If you know Teacher Man and Joe, then you know it’s tradition to get Dairy Queen blizzards every Sunday night – unless, of course, the local DQ closes “for the season” which is what ours does every year. When this happens, we default over to Culver’s, which Joe and I don’t mind and Teacher Man tolerates. Yesterday, though, I made the mistake of ordering the “Flavor of the Day”, which was German Chocolate Fudge. I couldn’t remember what the German part of the flavor would mean and figured I couldn’t go wrong with chocolate and fudge. Right? Well …. turns out, there’s coconut flakes in the custard, which I dislike rather intensely. So instead of enjoying a dish of custard during the Vikings game, I dug around for the pieces of fudge-like cake and ate those, leaving most of the custard. Sad deal, let me tell you.

Culver's Flavor of the Day | via

  • Another fail for me on Sunday – I drove to nearby Maple Grove to hit up the sales at Loft and Anthropologie, two of my favorite stores. In fact, I felt downright giddy, leaving the boys at home for a couple of hours and just having some shopping time to myself. (This reminds me of a favorite coffee mug saying of mine … “I’m introverting. Please go away.” But I digress …) Imagine my shock when Anthropologie’s usual retail store stood empty. Not good! And while Loft did yield a rather cute and comfy gray turtleneck sweater at 50% off (because I need more gray sweaters, yes?), the store did not carry the skirt I was hoping to try on as a possible outfit-maker for my February trip to Tucson. Sigh.

Loft Sweater | via

  • It is clear, however, that I can easily get sucked into the after-Christmas sales. (Which means – yes, I have the skirt on order now from to see if it will work.)
  • Just so you don’t think I’m all negative Nancy today, let it be known that I am going with the boys to the new Star Wars movie this afternoon and I can’t wait! I was a huge Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi fan growing up (but was decidedly meh on the prequels) so I’m fairly psyched! I’ve pretty much been humming all the music in my head since we re-watched Return of the Jedi with Joe Saturday night.
  • Finally, we did actually get snow the day after Christmas, which I must admit makes the landscape look way prettier than the brown and barren version we had prior to winter actually arriving. Plus this also meant I could finally wear my new winter boots (for a reason). The photo doesn’t do them justice, as they have some fun detail you can’t really see – but I’m going to live in these the rest of the winter. (You can see them here on the Jambu website and – score! – they are actually on major sale right now.)

Winter Landscape in Minnesota | via

Winter Landscape in Minnesota | via

Winter Landscape in Minnesota | via

Winter Landscape in Minnesota | via

I’m on holiday all week, for which I am very grateful. Aside from the whole Star Wars movie thing, I’m hoping to catch up some organization around the house, test a new turkey recipe, write a blog post or two for, and I’m moderating a chat over on Twitter for #AgChat on Tuesday night (8 pm EST – join us as we discuss setting our agvocacy, blogging, social media, and farm goals for 2016!).

Have a great start to the week!


2 Comments on Out of Sorts (What Day Is It?)

  1. Lara,
    I told J this afternoon that it doesn’t feel like Monday.

    We got 4-5″ of snow after dark on Christmas Day. I agree it’s nice to see white on the prairie vs. the brown.

    Enjoy your time off, trying a new recipe and catching up on blog posts!

    • Thanks Robyn! I am finally feeling a little back to normal this afternoon – but wow, it took a couple of days! Now I’m looking forward to the rest of the week … hope you have good luck with the new recipe!


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