It’s time for the big reveal!

This year, I have been honored to be a co-host of the Christmas in the Country gift exchange – along with these lovely ladies: Jamie from This Uncharted Rhoade, Laurie from COUNTRY LINKed, and Kirby from 15009 Farmhouse. I can’t begin to tell you how much fun they have made this project (which is already completely fun to begin with!) – and I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that if I lived in Missouri, I would be organizing a girls’ day out with all three so we can hang out in person. 🙂

Now for the fun reveal … I received a gift from Lindsay at Agricultural with Dr. Lindsay. She is from northern California, and most recently worked at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln as an Extension Educator. This month, though, she is starting a new job closer to home – at Nevada Cooperative Extension, which is very exciting!

She has a really informative blog (and Facebook page) that shares stories about agriculture and farmers, helps explain agricultural practices, and even covers tips for meat selection and cooking. You can also find her on Twitter – @AgWithDrLindsay. 

Her gift was fabulous and contained so many absolutely perfect items!

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via printmyemotions.comFirst of all, she sent two cards – one to open before the gifts that gave me a little introduction to her and one explaining the gifts after I opened them. How fun is that?

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

She had me at wine! 😉 This wine cork wreath is amazing. Lindsay wrote, “The wine cork wreath, well we both enjoy wine, so enough said!” Obviously we would be fast friends if we lived closer, and I’m looking forward to continuing our connection via blogging and social media. I love that she didn’t embellish it with any Christmas “stuff” so I can have it up all year long! (And I may have been enjoying a glass of sauvignon blanc as I opened this. Coincidence? I think not.)

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

She also gave me this beautiful adult coloring book and pencil set. I’ve seen these coloring books in stores and they have intrigued me (I’m a doodler by nature so it would stand to reason I might like adult coloring books, yes?), but I haven’t purchased one for myself. Lindsay told me she bought one for herself to see what the hype was about and ended up liking it way more than she should. I think it’s going to be very relaxing!

And notice on top of the coloring book – there is a beautiful fused glass pendant that Lindsay handmade – it is gorgeous! She also explained that she’s made bowls and mosaics, as well, which I think would be such a fun hobby. While I haven’t dabbled in fused glass myself, Joe (my artist) has made a couple of mosaic pieces with our neighbor, so I definitely appreciate the work and beauty behind it.

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

But wait – there’s more! She sent these completely delectable chocolates for Teacher Man and Joe. She claims Nebraska isn’t known for its chocolate, but the three of us (yes, the boys did share!) can attest that these were absolutely fantastic. Lindsay even included the flavor chart so we would know what each color wrapper meant (i.e., red = milk chocolate, green = mint chocolate, etc.). Super fun and super delicious!

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

And look – even Earl the Pug got a gift! Lindsay shared her Grandma’s special recipe for dog cookies. I haven’t made these yet, but I promised the dog – as he gazed at me with his senior citizen pug eyes – I would get right on this after the New Year!

I couldn’t be more thrilled with the gifts Lindsay so generously sent – I think she was pretty  much spot-on with all of these, wouldn’t you say?

On a side note, I had so much picking out my gift to Laura over at Laura Unearthed. This farm wife and momma (a former ag/Spanish teacher) lives in Missouri with her husband and two children, and she’s also a part-time youth ministry coordinator. She and her husband raise corn, wheat, beans, milo, and beef cattle.

Laura is also a very thoughtful blog writer. I loved her post about the struggle between being involved and saying yes to opportunities vs. when to let an opportunity pass. Her sense of connectedness made me choose this particular decorative plate to send to her:

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

I love this saying! Of course, a funny thing happened on the way to delivery … I didn’t pack the plate as carefully as I should have, and it broke enroute. I felt terrible, of course, and quickly shipped off a replacement – and believe me, I double-boxed it to the point there could be no way it would shift in transit!

Anyway, you will definitely need to pop over to her blog and see what else I sent her. 🙂 (And don’t forget to check out her Facebook page as well.)

In fact, you can follow the link-up button below to see all the posts from #CITC2015 – it’s so fun to peruse what everyone received and get to know the other bloggers. I hope you will check this out!

#CITC2015 bloggers – click this link below to add your blog post about your gift exchange experience!

21 Comments on Christmas in the Country – Gift Reveal and Link-Up!

  1. That wreath is perfect for you! Someday we will have to have a big CITC meetup where we drink lots of wine and eat lots of chocolate! 😉 So thoughtful that she included things for the boys and Earl as well, what a sweetie! Thanks SOOOO much for co-hosting, Laurie and I couldn’t have done it this year without you all and loved having you along!

    • I love the wreath – and Lindsay was sooo nice and generous with all her gifts. 🙂 Thanks for asking me to co-host – I had a blast and I’ll look forward to our CITC meetup some day – I think that sounds like a great plan!


    • Thank you, Katie – I love the wine wreath (and all of the items)! 🙂 Sending you hugs and best wishes for 2016, as well!


  2. Lara –
    So glad you enjoyed everything! It was fun to get your name and to do a little creeping on your social media accounts to find gifts that would be a good fit 🙂 I hope all of you have a happy and blessed New Year! ~ Lindsay

    • It is fun, isn’t it?! Also fun to get to know you a little through these gifts too … hope your move to Nevada went well and best of luck with your new position in 2016!


  3. What a great gift Lindsay sent to you Lara! She really was spot on and to include Teacher Man, Joe and your adorable pug too!! How wonderful and thoughtful. Thank you for taking this wild ride with us this year! I enjoyed getting to know you better and know that when the time comes to meet IRL, that we will laugh and talk all night long.
    Laurie – Country Link

  4. Lara,
    I’ve made social media friends with Lindsay and I’ve heard very good things about her through South Dakota Extension Agents that have met her!

    The adult coloring books have caught my eye too. I have a kid coloring book that I used to color in, but haven’t pulled it out for years. It does come in handy when our friends come over with their kiddos.

    How thoughtful to include treats and treat ideas for your guys and Earl!

    I like the decorative plate you sent Laura.

    • I love how small a world it is amongst so many us country / farm bloggers. 🙂 Lindsay seems like a sweetheart – and the fact that she included everyone in my house is a testament to that for sure. It was a fun exchange – and I sure hope Laura enjoys her plate and the other items I sent.

      Thanks for reading, Robyn!

    • Hi Darleen – I know, isn’t just the coolest thing ever?! 🙂 You’re very welcome – and thank YOU so much for participating. It was awesome to meet you “virtually” and I look forward to following your blog!


  5. I loved all your gifts & can’t wait to finish up my post & share! There may or may be some modeling pics included… 😉 So glad to meet such a great advocate for agriculture!

  6. What fun and thoughtful gifts! I love that wine wreath!! Thanks for helping host this exchange. It was my first year participating and it’s been so fun!

    • You are so welcome, Maggie! I’m glad you had a great experience – I know I am already looking forward to next year. It’s such a fun way to share some cheer during the holidays and meet so many amazing farm/country bloggers!


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