Now that I’ve spent exactly 73 minutes (give or take) packing for a 4-day business trip to Atlanta, I think I need to quit obsessing about my wardrobe choices. Success for this particular packing experience = bringing a 2nd pair of boots and an extra pair of ballet flats in my carry-on. I just can’t spend four days in the same shoes. I just can’t.

This weekend was all about the birthday boy! Joe is turning 12 on Tuesday so we celebrated Saturday with him – including a very successful dinner at Benihana, where the “ninja chef” was a big hit. And surprise surprise, our picky eater actually liked the food! Perhaps he is, in fact, growing up?

Of course, his birthday on Tuesday coincides with my trip to a large poultry show in Atlanta, which makes this mama a little sad tonight. I realize, of course, that if I was home, I would be at work and Joe would be at school for most of the day but I do dislike not being able to wake my birthday boy up in the morning. (And I am very grateful for Facetime!)

My family has some other birthdays this week too, namely my sister (tomorrow) and my nephew (Saturday), who is turning the big 2-1! His dad (my brother) texted me on Friday, “It’s official – we’re old.” 😉 

We’re all getting together next Saturday for “Birthday Celebration, Part 2”, so my week will just roll right into a busy – and fun! – weekend. If you don’t see much from me in terms of blog posts, I hope you’ll understand!

In the meantime, a few snaps from the past couple of days!


Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

Friday night selfie with the Birthday Boy, who was trying to teach me to be a better Mario Kart player. Alas, I don’t believe this is a skill I have acquired as of yet – but it was still fun!

Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

Meanwhile, Earl the Pug took his usual spot on his bed and proceeded to relax – because 10 hours of sleep during the day on Friday obviously was not enough.

Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

A new Bison shirt for the Birthday Boy!

Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

And one of his latest obsessions – Minecraft Mini Figures, which will join the boxes of Gormitis, Ninjagos, Skylanders, and the other myriad characters he has collected over the years. I wonder where he gets that whole collecting gene, anyway?!

Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

My boys!

Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

Today … 33 degrees and light winds – perfect for a winter run while listening to ABBA’s greatest hits! (Don’t judge me.) I finished about 3.5 miles and my pug man was waiting for my return patiently by the door, as he always does.

Weekend Snaps | Birthday, Part 1 | via

And finally … Happy, Happy Birthday to my sister on Monday! I dug up these goofball photos from our trip to New York a few years ago – because of course we would try on ridiculous hats in FAO Schwarz! (And a certain red-headed little boy I know navigated the photo bomb with an owl from Harry Potter behind me!)

Have a great start to your week, friends!

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