
Hello friends! I’ve been meaning to write up this post but I keep getting distracted.

Final load of laundry of the weekend.

Dog’s ears need cleaning.  

Ice cream.

Dog needs to go out one last time.

Quick check on the yellow beans and sunflowers to see if they’ve started to come up. (Yes!)

Shopping Browsing for Lularoe, my newest obsession, on Facebook.

Getting distracted on Pinterest by ways I could style my Lularoe clothing.

Did I mention ice cream?

I think I’d be really good at regular three-day weekends, if I could just talk my boss into that one. Sigh.

It was a stellar weekend all the way around, though. Friday night Teacher Man and I sat out on our porch swing, enjoying some wine and the weather after supper. Today, I went for a run this morning and spent the better part of the afternoon in my gardens, doing some more planting, arranging pots, and watering. (Almost everything is in the ground now, except for my zinnia seeds.)

And Saturday. Well, Saturday was all about our niece, Miss Morgan, who came for a visit (along with her daddy, my brother-in-law). It was the perfect distraction for a toddler who’s mama was out of town all weekend at a bachelorette party. And it also made us realize that Teacher Man and I will need to rest up big-time in advance of two weeks from now – when Miss Morgan will be staying with us all weekend! I hope we can keep up with her! 😉

A few pics follow, which will mainly be appreciated by my family, I’m sure. Ha! I hope you’ll stop by Tuesday when I am planning to blog the recipe for the most AMAZING buffalo turkey cheesy appetizer spread you will ever taste. Seriously. It’s like naughty good and now we can’t stop eating it. 


Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Let the art commence!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

And a trip to our neighborhood park. Joe dubbed this “The Purple Park” way back when he was just a little older than Morgan.

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

And of course I painted Morgan’s finger and toe nails – that’s a prerequisite when visiting Auntie Lara’s house!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Nap time. Is there anything more peaceful and precious to watch than an energetic toddler sleeping? 

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

With nap time over, it was time to get out the bubbles on the deck!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Earl the Pug, looking pretty spry for his 15+ years.

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

What a gorgeous Saturday evening it was! This was our view from the north side of our house, where the hosta and Annabelle hydrangea are really shooting up now that’s it gotten a little warmer.

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

And finally, I give you these two – cuteness overload! Teacher Man took Morgan for a little walk to check on all the trees (with her “fur brother,” Avery, not far behind). Morgan’s favorite color is purple so they came back with a few purple iris blooms and a lilac they had picked. Good thing purple is one of my favorite flower colors too!

2 Comments on Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time

    • Thanks, Kathy! It was a ton of fun capturing all these moments over the weekend. 🙂

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