Today kind of sucked, people.

I know, I know. I just came off a three-day holiday weekend so I shouldn’t be complaining. And I get that. I really do. I promise I’m grateful for the weekend. 

However, the Tuesday-that-still-felt-like-Monday wasn’t all that great, if I’m going to be completely honest here. Nothing major bad, mind you – mostly just #FirstWorldProblems – but enough to stress me out a bit.

Just being real here, I hope you don’t mind.

Our email accounts went down at the office, so I had to be all about IT instead of working on the social media calendar for Minnesota Turkey this upcoming month. Thankfully, we recently switched our emails to a new host, which is 1000 times better in the customer service department than the previous host we had. 

But still. 

By lunchtime, I felt scattered and discombobulated and disorganized. Screw the to-do list in my planner. I wasn’t even sure what to work on next. 

By 2:30 pm, I threatened my coworkers that I was leaving to go home. Nothing was working. I needed to print a few forms from my laptop. But no, that wasn’t happening. A coworker had a weird fatal error message on an email she was trying to send. Why? Who knows? Our email system was back up and working by that time, but who can explain random error messages? Not me. Not today.

Now, no worries, people. Life got better and I made it through the rest of the work day without going home in protest. I even got some decent work done. 

And tonight, I grabbed my headphones, iPhone, and went for a walk. Not a run, which is what I usually do, but a walk. And you know what? It was exactly what I needed. My body felt dead tired, like there’s no way I could power through my usual 3+ mile run, but a walk? Perfect. And combined with an 80s kick-ass playlist of songs? Major mood booster.

After the walk I watered my flower pots and took a few photos of these beauties – delicate light pink peonies that are just starting to bloom. Instant smile.

Peony |

I’m feeling much better – and I’m ready for Wednesday, I promise. I think we all have days like this, right? It happens.

But first, one last mood booster – a view of the first tree frog of the season on our back porch steps. Joe and I love these little guys! 🙂

It’s the little things in life, yes? 


Minnesota tree frog | via

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