A week ago I was in Duluth to kick off the summer conference of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association. This event is a chance for our members – the turkey farmers, turkey companies, and related industry folks in our state – to get together, network, and learn.

We have multiple opportunities for education at the conference and we bring in speakers from across the county to present on topics of vital importance to those who are raising turkeys. This year, our speakers tackled Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza (or “bird flu” in general public vernacular), insurance for turkey barns, and several issues related to the overall health of the turkey – for example, how to keep turkeys comfortable in hot and humid weather and antibiotic use on the farm. 

Conferences like these are the scenes and experiences I wish I could show anyone who claims turkey farms are just factory farms that only care for the bottom line – not the birds. 

Now, make no mistake. Turkey farming is a business, and both farmers and turkey companies are in it to make money and I don’t feel there should be any apologizing for that. Farmers, in general, have families to raise, bills to pay, college to plan for, and pretty much everything else that the rest of us have to worry about.

However, just because farming is a business doesn’t mean the care of the birds doesn’t matter. The farmers I know would be sick if their birds weren’t getting the most optimal care. And they seek out opportunities to learn about ways to raise their birds in the best ways possible.

A healthy, well cared for bird will ultimately yield the most economic return so it behooves farmers to make sure their flock stays healthy. But beyond that, farmers prioritize bird health because it’s the right thing to do. 

Farmers are human too. Really.

Which brings me back to the fun and camaraderie of our summer conference. It’s inspiring to bring everyone together and, in many cases, realize these turkey farming families have been attending this same event for several decades. Our organization is 77 years old this year, so often I’ve met grandparents, parents, kids, and now even grandchildren. How cool is that?

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

Our Minnesota Turkey members looking engaged at one of the education sessions!

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

One of my favorite events of the conference is our “Turkey Taste-Off”. We set up several different stations – this year it was 7 – featuring different turkey recipes. We ask everyone to try all the different stations and then vote for their favorites! (Yum, turkey meatballs!)

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

Barbecued deviled eggs with turkey bacon? People were skeptical, but I’m telling you, if you like deviled eggs, you will love this recipe!

One of my favorite events of the conference is our "Turkey Taste-Off". We set up several different stations - this year it was 7 - featuring different turkey recipes. We ask everyone to try all the different stations and then vote for their favorites!

And the winner of the biggest salad bowl in the history of salad bowls is … my Southwest Turkey Chopped Salad! (Incidentally, it also took 1st place in the Turkey Taste-Off!) 


When in Duluth, it is a requirement to take a picture of the famous Duluth Lift Bridge.

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

You also must tour the Glensheen Mansion, which is simply too incredible to put into mere words on this blog. (I will only say that if this mansion were built today, it would cost at least $22 million. The level of detail in every room is mind-boggling.) Even better, tour it with a couple of great guys who like to talk about how things were built back in the day and you’ll definitely learn a thing or two. 🙂

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

And the cutest next generation of turkey farmers goes to my good buddy, Grant! Okay, in reality, he was a little skeptical of me but once in a while I could coax an adorable smile out of him! 🙂

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

Um, hello. It really shouldn’t be all work and no play. 😉 Martinis from Black Water Lounge in Duluth to the rescue! Did I mention Thursday was $5 martini night? Whaaaat?

Also, the “June in January” martini bubbles and smokes. Seriously. You have to check this out! ^^

MTGA Summer Conference | printmyemotions.com

And finally … this may be my most favorite photo of the conference. Here I am with my coworker, Teresa (on the left), and a colleague of mine from the University of Minnesota I have known for 20+ years. I love these turkey gals! 🙂

Until next time … don’t forget to #tryturkey in one of your meals this week!


2 Comments on Farmers Learn & Network, Too!

    • We ag/farm folks sure know how to have a good time – while also learning about all that is new and important! 🙂


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