Teacher Man’s birthday is officially tomorrow but we celebrated this weekend because, well, why not? Saturday was hot, hot, hot – 90+ degrees and super humid so we mostly kept to the indoors to keep cool. Sunday was glorious in the morning – a perfect 70 degree sunny day for a run on the trail near our house. 

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via printmyemotions.com

We played our favorite family board game, Catan. If you haven’t checked this out yet and you have kids similar to Joe’s age (he’s 12), It’s a fun strategy game for kids and adults alike, but not so incredibly complicated that it takes days to learn.

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via printmyemotions.com

The Saturday night birthday celebration included my new fave Moscow Mules, a putting contest, and an introduction of the music stylings of Styx to Joe. (It remains to be seen whether he was impressed or not.)

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via printmyemotions.com

And this is what I get when I’m trying to take a photo of these two goofballs! 

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via printmyemotions.com

I was shocked, really, that I was the only person enjoying the trail Sunday morning. Nary a cloud in the sky and a comfortable 70 degrees with low humidity? Perfection!

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via printmyemotions.com

It was just me and the corn, which was fine by me.

Talk Turkey #FoodChat | June 28 at 1pm CT

This week, in addition to my usual work duties, I’m moderating the first ever daytime “#FoodChat” on Twitter – and it’s all about turkey! I’m a little nervous, if only because this is a new time for #FoodChat, which is more typically held the third Tuesday of every month in the evening. I hope people show up! 🙂 If you’re on Twitter, please join us for an hour of facts, recipes, and turkey fun! (Find out how it works here.)

Until next time, have a great start to the week!


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