Happy Independence Day | via printmyemotions.com

How was your holiday weekend?

Ours was bittersweet as we had to say good-bye to our one and only Earl the Pug last Friday. This was painful. Utterly painful. But his 15 year old body was wearing out and we are comforted in knowing he is now playfully running his pug circles again. Someday I will write a blog post about what Earl meant to us. For now, though, I don’t think I’m ready to put it all into words. Let me just say quite simply (and thanks to my friend Mark for sharing this sentiment with me on Facebook), Earl gave so much and expected so little in return. He was well-loved and will be forever missed. 

Happy Independence Day | via printmyemotions.com

Thankfully we had the distraction of celebrating the 4th of July at my brother and sister-in-law’s cabin on Lake Washington on Sunday. We’re blessed to have a family that gets along well and genuinely has fun when we’re all together. The day couldn’t have been more perfect – sun, light breeze, yummy food, plenty of wine, and lots of cousin time for Joe.

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Hammock time for Joe, Morgan, and Miss A!

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A little patriotic toe painting is now an annual tradition for Auntie (me) and Miss Morgan.

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And here’s a photo of me that Miss Morgan took with my phone. 😉

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My parents trying to figure out this selfie thing. Aren’t they adorable?

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A sister selfie!

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Okay, I can’t resist. This little girl is just too cute, ice cream face and all!

Happy Independence Day | via printmyemotions.com

Ah, this is Minnesota lake life. 

Happy Independence Day | via printmyemotions.com

And the evening ends with some fireworks off the dock, thanks to my brother. 

I hope you had a fabulous holiday weekend, friends!




4 Comments on Weekend Snaps | Happy Independence Day

    • Thanks, Diane … we can use that big hug around here. We’re going to be sad for a long time and the house is too quiet right now – no pug sounds. 🙁 But we’re all doing okay – one day at a time.


  1. I am sorry about Earl. Our four legged furry kids are loved tremendously by we pet parents. (I have two older cats.) Your mom was my Home Ec. Teacher and I enjoyed her so much. Another side note–my great niece and great nephew had your husband as a teacher. My niece interviewed me for a project and he made the connection at that time. I grew up on a farm not too far from yours and am also a proud Bulldog! I enjoy your blogs–especially your recipes. Keep up the good work.

    • Thank you for your comments, Brenda! We’re missing Earl terribly but we take comfort in knowing we had 15 awesome years to spoil him rotten! 🙂 And so fun to make the Hector connection with you and your family – I can’t wait to tell both my mom and Teacher Man! I was in the last graduating class of Hector High School so I will always be a Bulldog, too. Thanks for finding my blog – it’s a creative outlet I love and it’s gratifying to know you are enjoying both the blog and especially the recipes. Take care!


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