Hey friends, how’s your weekend going? After a long nap this afternoon (um, over two hours, maybe?), I’m lazing around in my comfy LuLaRoe leggings (of course), working on some laundry and considering some easy leftovers for supper. We just got back from spending yesterday at the lake – aah, Minnesota lake life – with some family. My brother and sister-in-law have a cabin near Dassel, which is only about 45 minutes from our house, which makes it super nice and convenient to meet them there.

The weather was a little cooler than we were hoping, but the sun peaked out later in the day for our boat ride, and the kids did do quite a bit of swimming – probably their last lake swim of summer, so sad! I have to admit it felt like fall when we cranked up a fire later in the evening and enjoyed some smores with our wine. A lot of wine, by the way, which may have been one of the reasons I needed that nap. Of course, the adults did all manage to stay up until past 1 a.m., reason #2 for the nap. We had so much fun talking, listening to tunes, and just being. 

That’s what Minnesota lake life is all about.

The morning arrived a bit too early for most of us, mainly because we had 6 dogs with us at the cabin. I know, right? Six – including Avery, the German Shorthair that we’ve been dog sitting for my sister while she and her fam are on vacation. But a good time was had by all and we’re blessed to have family and friends we enjoy spending time with so much. A few pics follow – I didn’t take too many, actually, as I was just busy having fun. 🙂 Enjoy and have a great rest of the holiday weekend!


Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via printmyemotions.com

My niece Audree with Joe, myself, and my nephew’s dog, Colt – excited for our boat ride.

Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via printmyemotions.com

This Colt’s very first boat ride, actually, and he was digging the scenery. He has tons of energy so it’s hard to get him to sit still to take a decent photo, but this one turned out. He’s such a handsome dog!

Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via printmyemotions.com

This is Vinny the French Bullog – boat rides are old hat for him. He loves them and even has his own life jacket.

Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via printmyemotions.com

This is Murray the pug, the oldest of my brother’s three dogs. He’s trying to get used to his new wheelchair and Joe was adamant about helping him. Joe, as you can imagine, has an affinity for pugs and loves to see Murray when he can. 

Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via printmyemotions.com

Another Joe favorite – finding tiny little tree frogs. Well, frogs of any kind, really.

Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via printmyemotions.com

Aah, Minnesota lake life. 

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