First, an important announcement to make … it’s my Mom’s birthday today! 🙂 We wish we could’ve been at the farm to help her celebrate, but Joe and I already had made a commitment to volunteer at an event at church so we connected via Facetime instead. Not optimal but it works in a pinch!

As for the weekend, the boys and I headed to the University of Minnesota on Saturday morning for Celebrate Ag & Food Day at the Gopher football game. I worked the Minnesota Turkey table at the tailgate event and then Teacher Man, Joe and I soaked in the glorious September sun and the maroon-and-gold atmosphere at the football game, capped off by a decisive Gopher win. (Well, I should probably say Teacher Man wasn’t in his glory, per se, at the Gopher game … he’s way too much of an Iowa Hawkeye fan for that. But he is a good sport about coming along with Joe and me!)

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

Check out our office’s new turkey mascot costume – it’s looking pretty sweet, I think! And we ran into Maizy, too – the mascot for the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

We tailgated in front of Mariucci Arena and the stadium is just across the street. I thought it was so cool that the University of Minnesota marching band played a few songs in the area as they were marching to the stadium.

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

Joe had a little fun with this Goldy the Gopher cut-out!

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

And we’re all decked out in our maroon and gold for the game! (Dress and leggings by LuLaRoe, of course – with a gold scarf and jean jacket from Target.) You can’t see these too closely, but the University of Minnesota handed out stickers honoring the life of Jacob Wetterling, a little boy who was kidnapped at gunpoint 27 years ago in a small Minnesota town and whose body, unfortunately, was just recovered (and the killer confessed) in the last week. I’m so glad the University provided this small tribute to the Wetterling family and the little boy who was taken from them.

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

It was a perfect 70 degree day for a football game … it kind of gets me in the mood for fall! 🙂

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

And here’s my band geek selfie! One of my favorite parts of the Gopher football game is always the halftime show with the band – even when I was a little girl and my dad took us to games at the old Memorial Stadium. I wasn’t a member of the marching band when I was at the U of MN, although I did play flute in one of the concert bands. Once a band geek always a band geek! 😉

Zion Fest | via printmyemotions.comToday, Joe and I volunteered at our church’s fall festival event, which was especially good for him as he needs his church service hours for confirmation. I caught the latter part of the Minnesota Vikings game when we got home and then did some laundry and watered some pots … the usual mundane weekend stuff that needs to happen.

Mums and Lantana via

I just picked up a yellow mum plant for some fall decorating on our front porch.

Bobo Hydrangea| via

And I love this Bobo hydrangea, also planted near our front porch – a big bloom for a little plant!

Now it’s suddenly Sunday evening and Joe’s finishing up some reading for English class, I’m blogging, and we’re both snacking on semi-sweet chocolate chips. That’s about as exciting as it gets around here right now. 😉 

Have a great start to your week!


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