Life is too busy right now. I mean, we all say that, right? But how often do we slow down and try to do something about it? 

I can’t fully control all aspects of my life. Case in point, we’ve been short-staffed at the office since May (not for lack of trying, I might add – we just haven’t found the right person) and things are starting to get really crazy. Add in the start of school and activities like piano and confirmation and everything else, and sometimes I feel like my brain is going to explode.

Tonight, though, I dropped Joe off at piano lessons and went for a short run. I decided to snap a few photos along the way – nothing that’s overly special in any particular way but some cool views in downtown Buffalo. 

It feels good to enjoy my everyday surroundings. It feels peaceful. It reminds me that life doesn’t have to be crazy all the time.

Monday About Town | via

This might be my favorite street in Buffalo. I used to drive down it a lot when I took Joe (and picked him up) from daycare. You can’t see some of the houses in this photo, but they are all older, many with window boxes (which I LOVE), and I think it all simply reminds me of the ideal small town street. 

Monday About Town | via

A view of the movie theater marquis and the cool ornamental grass the city planted in one of its huge containers. Love this!

Monday About Town | via

Joe’s piano studio – one of the many older, brick buildings in the downtown area.

Monday About Town | via

The storefront next to the piano studio has decked out its window box with some mums to go with the grasses and coleus. See – it’s that whole window box thing again.

That’s it! Just a few simple pictures that remind me of the beauty in everyday things. Tomorrow may go back to being crazy-busy-swamped but for tonight, I’m feeling peaceful. 🙂





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