Happy Sunday night, friends! I’m sitting in our family room, gas fireplace turned on, soaking in the last few hours of the weekend. Sigh.

Most of my photos this weekend are from Saturday, when my sister came over and the two of us ran the “Boofalo Halloween Fun Run” 5k race in town. Good times and successful runs for both of us! 

Today, we got A LOT down around the house. This is what we checked off our list:

  • Laundry … a necessary evil. 
  • Closet reorganization … for me – I stored all my summer shoes to make room for fall/winter and pulled some clothes that just need to be either sold or donated.
  • A few LuLaRoe projects completed, which makes me feel good – I am about a month or so from getting my official onboarding call so I am trying to be as ready as I can be!
  • Groceries – I’m going to finish up the last our venison this week with a crockpot venison chili recipe I found, and we needed, ahem, a few more bags of Halloween candy in preparation for tomorrow. (Having nothing to do with our continual snacking on the original bags of candy I bought last Sunday. Nope. Not at all.)
  • Tons of outdoor prep, including lawn mowing, moving the outdoor furniture into the shed, a few more garden tasks to get everything ready for winter, etc. Between Teacher Man, Joe, and I, we really got a lot done!

I guess we’re ready for the week to start. Maybe. 😉


Boofalo Fun Run 2016 | via printmyemotions.oomc

My sister and I ran the local 5k race and she did awesome, coming in 1st in her age group and 2nd female OVERALL! Isn’t that fabulous? I was happy with my time, too – I think I was 5th in my age group. 

And can I just say we look so fun in our LuLaRoe Halloween leggings – the Bride of Frankenstein (get a load of my stocking hat – perfection!) and the World’s Best Mummy! Plus, Miss Morgan was in the Halloween spirit, as well, with her pumpkins sweatshirt and LuLaRoe leggings. 

Boofalo Fun Run 2016 | via printmyemotions.oomc

A little selfie with Joe in the car headed over to the race.

Boofalo Fun Run 2016 | via printmyemotions.oomc

All checked in and ready to run!

Boofalo Fun Run 2016 | via printmyemotions.oomc

Aren’t these LuLaRoe leggings awesome? Love the colors – and they were super comfortable to run in, too!

Boofalo Fun Run 2016 | via printmyemotions.oomc

My cheering squad!

Boofalo Fun Run 2016 | via printmyemotions.oomc

Morgan loves her cousin, “Joe-Joe” – and I have to say, the feeling is quite mutual. Joe has a great rapport with little kids, in general, but this translates into something pretty special with Miss Morgan. 

Welcome Ironing Board Project| via printmyemotions.oomc

Totally unrelated to the fun run, here’s a peek at a Pinterest project for an old ironing board – I’d say this was a success! This old ironing board has been sitting in the garage collecting dust for a decade or so. Finally, I decided what I wanted to do with it! Teacher Man sanded and stained the board; then I stenciled on the letters. Next, Teacher Man, painted the stencils in white and sanded them down slightly for a rustic look. He finished with another coat of stain and voila! I think it turned out fabulous!


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