Looking Ahead | via printmyemotions.com

Hello 2017!

I don’t think I’ve ever been someone who wants to spend a lot of time looking back at the year that was. When I was an editor of a weekly newspaper back in the day, one of my responsibilities was to recap the entire year and write about the highlights in the last issue printed before the new year. 

It used up a lot of space in the newspaper during a slow news week, but I dreaded that assignment. 

For 20 years, I’ve done the same for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association. I’ve perused our monthly magazine and encapsulated all of the highlights, lowlights, and whatever else in between into an annual report for our members.

It’s necessary, of course, but I really dread that assignment too.

It must be because I just want to look ahead at the new year and move forward with all the plans and projects and simply get going. With all the things. It’s what’s ahead that gets me revved up.

Here’s what is on my mind tonight as I look to the new year:

I’m hoping 2017 offers me a little more time to blog than the past two months. (But I’m not going to put any pressure on myself if it doesn’t.)

I’m excited to grow and build my LuLaRoe business and share my love of fashion with people across the country.

Looking Ahead | via printmyemotions.com
My sister loves LuLaRoe leggings – LOL!)

I’m looking forward to seeing so many of poultry friends and colleagues at our winter meetings in Atlanta, Orlando, and Saint Paul.

I want get back on track with regular exercise, because like many of us, I slacked off more than I wanted to around the holidays. 

I’m going to make time for the people and things I love.

Looking Ahead | via printmyemotions.comAnd I’m going to say no without guilt when needed.

I’m going to read more books.

I’m going to try to work smarter, not harder or longer.

I’m going to enjoy weekend family time and try not to make weeknights too busy or stressful, knowing that with work, school, homework, and activities, weeknights will be busy. They just are.

Looking Ahead | via printmyemotions.com
And I’ll take a cue from Princess Leia here; when things get tough, it’s time for a rest!

For now, though, I’m going to just be. It’s my last night of a short holiday vacation – probably my last vacation day for a few months. I’m going to write this blog post, then sink into an Elin Hilderbrand novel, and wish, just for a tiny bit, for one more day of vacation. 

Because if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s vacation. 😉 

Happy New Year, friends – here’s to looking ahead to 2017!


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