Happy weekend, friends! Saturday night around here has been pretty quiet … Teacher Man has a bad cold so he’s sleeping on the couch and Joe is working on some sort of Wii U game in the basement. As for me, I decided this would give me a few minutes to crank out a blog post. (I’ve got to take advantage of the time when I can.)

Some Saturday thoughts:

  • We all went to the Lego Batman movie and were not disappointed. Very funny and well-written … the banter back and forth between characters is witty and hilarious. These Lego movies, it seems, are written more for older kids / adults than the youngsters. Highly recommend!
  • I really think women should embrace color more in their wardrobes. This is one of the things LuLaRoe has shown me – that color is fun and flattering and life is too short to wear boring clothes. Seriously. Case in point – check out this fun outfit:

LuLaRoe Clothing via printmyemotions.com

  • It was nearly 60 degrees today! I mean, this is literally unheard of in February in Minnesota. I went for a run this morning and it was glorious!
  • I’m meeting up with the girls tomorrow … well, the girls + Joe! 🙂 My sister, niece (Miss Morgan), sister-in-law, niece (Miss A.), and mom (and Joe and I) are all getting together for a mini-President’s Day get-away in the Twin Cities. We’re staying at a hotel so the kids can swim tomorrow. Then on Monday we’re heading to the Mall of America … I know, we’re brave, right? We’re got the aquarium and Nickelodeon World on the docket. Should be fun! And of course I decided to make a fun dessert to bring to the hotel (along with the wine and Doritos and Gatorade)! It’s no-bake Chocolate Chip and M&M Cookie Dough Bars Dessert – which is about as sinful as it sounds. 😉 
  • Happy National Drink Wine Day! 🙂 Of course I celebrated … just saying.
  • I’ve got a LuLaRoe VIP Album Sale scheduled for Monday night on Facebook (7 pm CST) – if you want to join my group (I’d love to have you!), just submit a request here

I’m going to sign off for now … I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend! 

Lara 🙂 

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