Oh sadness. My week-long staycation vacation is nearly over. Sigh.

Life does go on and I suppose it’s time to get back to the office and get a head start on my spring to-do list. Joe, too, will head back to school tomorrow for the start of his fourth quarter. (Just a few weeks from heading into 8th grade …. whaaaat?)

It’s been a fabulous week off, and I’m winding it down this afternoon with the Master’s golf tournament on TV and my weekly VIP Album Sale for my LuLaRoe business on Facebook tonight (click here to join my group!). 

Yes, life is pretty good, I’d say.

And because I literally have 9,782 pictures on my iPhone right now, I’ll recap my week in full color below. Enjoy!

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

The view of one of my morning runs in the neighborhood … a little gray but spring is here and the ice is gone! It was pretty wonderful not having a schedule so that I could get my runs in, when the weather was decent, each morning. I love that!

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I spent some time reading one of my favorite authors and chilling in my fun LuLaRoe leggings. :)https://www.facebook.com/groups/LuLaRoeLaraDurben/

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I made my favorite Cinnamon Roll Coffee Cake and ate it for lunch – more than once. 

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I dragged the vampire out of his room and away from his computer to go for a walk with me. 😉 LOL

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I realized I sometimes take for granted the cool old (and very rustic) outbuildings that I run by every day in my neighborhood.

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I tackled a little gardening – cutting back most of my perennial grasses until the tendonitis in my elbow started to flare up. (I leave most of my grasses up all winter for some fun interest in the landscape.)

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I played a bunch of piano for the first time in what seemed like forever!

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

Teacher Man and I pretended it was warmer outside than it really was on Friday evening. 😉 

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

My parents visited on Friday and we enjoyed lunch out and the girls did a little shopping at Buffalo’s occasional sales.

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I snagged this garden ornament at Second Hand Rose – it’s made with an old iron seed cell (the ring in the middle), according to my Dad. Love this!

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

We also stopped by The Rustic Garden for a fun taste of spring. Looks at this adorable miniature garden!

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

And I picked up a pot of pansies and diascia for the front porch.

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

I also decided I really need this for our office – how adorable is this rooster?!

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay |  via printmyemotions.com #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

And we capped Saturday night off with some wine, tunes, and the view from our backyard deck. Pretty amazing!

Hope you have a fabulous start to your week, friends!





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