Oh my goodness – it’s Sunday night. How in the world did that happen? 

As I posted yesterday here, it was my birthday weekend and I made the most of it with a day off Friday, a little golfing on a very summer-like Saturday, and a trip to the farm to spend the day with family. The pictures capture more of the fun than mere words could, so I’m going to just jump right to it:

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.comBirthday dinner out Friday night with Joe and his “brother from another mother” – what fun! :) 

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.comThen golfing on Saturday morning with Teacher Man and Joe … weather felt like summer so we were soaking it up, knowing it won’t be long that golfing won’t be an option again until spring.

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

And then a trip to the farm to hang out with my family – like this little gal, Miss Morgan. It’s so fun to be her “Aunta” (that’s what she calls me)!

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.comMy brother was harvesting soybeans – trying to get as much done before the rains moved in. (And when you’re a September baby, harvest and your birthday celebration go hand-in-hand, always!)

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

He took Joe and Miss Morgan for a ride in the combine, which they both declared was “awesome!”

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

My kiddo!

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

And yep, he’s taller than me.

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.comHere’s a view of my brother’s home from the field, along with the bins on the left side. You can’t see my parents’ home, but it’s around the corner from the bins, also on the left. I love the farm during harvest … there is something about all the sights and sounds of what’s happening. 

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

Teacher Man and Lobo, my dad’s new Husky puppy. Isn’t she gorgeous?

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.comHappy hour commenced with sidecars for my sister and me … my dad makes the best!

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

A birthday gift to myself … pug leggings from LuLaRoe! I have been searching high and low for these. And only pug lovers probably understand. 🙂 

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.comA silly selfie on the stairway at my parents’ home!

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

And somehow Miss Morgan coerced all of us to sit on the steps and play one of her imagination games. My mom took the picture so that’s why she’s not in the photo. 🙂

It was a great day, filled with family, good food, plenty of wine, and a delicious homemade birthday cake! (Big thanks go to my mom for making the cake and the entire meal for all of us!)

It was birthday cake and coffee for breakfast, as well as a little play time with Miss Morgan and Lobo before we headed for home today. The day was capped off by a Minnesota Vikings win and some homemade chocolate chip cookies. 

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

Oh, and my birthday leggings! (Because if you can’t wear party pants on your birthday, when can you?)

Birthday Weekend at the Farm | printmyemotions.com

xoxo – Lara

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