Oh Sunday night, we meet again.

It was quite a lovely weekend, actually … the sun came out midday on Saturday and it was glorious. I really do love fall when the days are like this – warm sunshine, cool evenings, and an explosion of oranges, reds, yellows, golds, and greens all around.

So … some random pics from a weekend spent mostly at home with no major schedule. (The best kind of weekends.)

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.comFriday started with a pug leggings … which make me smile. (LuLaRoe of course.)

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

Saturday morning was my first run in over a week – gasp! It felt really good to get out on the path again.

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

The soybeans near our house are ready … but with a deluge of rain earlier in the week, no one is harvesting. It’s ungodly wet so hopefully we will see a few days of sun and dry weather.

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

It was also too wet Saturday to get out in my gardens for all the fall work / pre-winter prep that needs to happening. I did, however, admire how lovely my perennial mums still look.

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

And these sedums … love how brilliant they are right into October.

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

My zinnias are still going pretty strong – in fact, I cut a bunch of blooms to bring inside to enjoy this week.

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

Saturday afternoon Teacher Man and I visited Buffalo Rock Winery, enjoyed a tasting, and then lingered over a couple of glasses of wine. 

Weekend Wrap-Up | via printmyemotions.com

Saturday night’s meal was the perfect trifecta of crusty French bread, a simple vegetable, and Giada’s fettucini alfredo recipe, which is both simple and amazing. It’s true you can’t really go wrong with butter, heavy cream, and Parmesan … and Giada’s recipe adds in lemon juice which is a little unexpected and so fresh!

Later that evening, we caught a Star Wars marathon on TNT with Joe … and yours truly actually stayed up with him until 2 am. I know. This is actually unusual for me. But it was a blast … and I kept thinking, evenings like this with our 8th grader are fleeting and go to fast. 

Today, I did get out in the gardens and did more work than I expected to get done, which was a bonus. Later I did some prep for my LuLaRoe sale going on this evening. Check out this latest outfit I paired up … I just love all these amazing colors!

http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/fettuccine-alfredo-recipe-1942555And just because I’m random, I will leave you with my latest Ed Sheeren obsession – the song Perfect. I can’t help it. I currently can’t get enough of this guy’s music.

Have a great start to your week!

xoxo – Lara

2 Comments on Sunday Night Wrap-Up

  1. Your flowers are still so pretty! How do you keep your zinnia foliage mildew free? Any tips? I pulled mine out on Saturday. Some of the blooms were still nice but the foliage was just nasty.
    And good for you for staying up with your son! You’re so right…the time goes by so quickly!

    • Thanks, Alica! 🙂 I keep all my zinnias in a special bed so I’m able to spread them out into rows with some good space in between. Unlike some of my garden areas close to the house, they only get water when it rains or if I run a hose out there (vs. sometimes my other flowers get water from our underground sprinkling system.) I think that helps keep them mildew free … I don’t overwater them. (Believe me – some of my phlox close to the house are full of that mildew so I understand the frustration!)

      I am so glad I stayed up with my son … I’ve become more of a night owl now that he is older (although usually not 2 am night owl – haha!). We had a blast watching those movies and I guess I just got a little “mama nostalgic” about it! 🙂


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