Well, the weekend is winding down with snow. Again. 

I’m pretty sure spring has decided not to show up at all this year. 

But regardless, I have no other complaints, except that weekends always go way too fast. Joe had his last winter drumline competition of the season – crazy since he’s been practicing and going to competitions since October! And in other news, Teacher Man and I were obsessed with the Master’s golf tournament. No big surprise there. 

Enjoy a few pics below and I am hoping (planning?) to be back on Tuesday with a new turkey recipe to share.

xoxo – Lara


I took last Wednesday-Friday off and spent some time shopping in Maple Grove on Thursday morning … including my first trip ever to Total Wine! My expression says it all. 😉


I also made a Costco run, and was very pleased to see they still carry the Ghiradelli brownie mix, which is pretty much better than homemade. It’s also basically why I bought a Costco membership – 6 brownie mixes for $8.99!!

I also spent some timing playing piano just for fun!

And we saw Joe’s final drumline competition of the season – the kids did awesome!

In honor of the Master’s golf tournament, Teacher Man made azalea cocktails on Saturday night — 2 parts gin, 1 part pineapple juice, 1 part freshly-squeezed lime juice, and a splash of grenadine. So good!

And we putted — indoors, of course. It was 26 degrees outside when I took this picture – ugh!

Plus I made our favorite Panko-Crusted Salmon recipe from Ina Garten. So good – and very easy!

Sunday morning I baked up these triple-chip cookies. The recipe for the cookie comes from The Pioneer Woman but I adapted it slightly to add three kinds of chips — semi-sweet chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and milk chocolate chips. Highly recommend!

Farm-fresh eggs

And finally, my coworker delivered some eggs from her chickens … including this big honker that absolutely must be a double-yolker! I am going to crack it open Monday morning and have eggs for breakfast. 🙂 

True but weird fact: In all of my adult life, I have NEVER cracked open an egg that has a double yolk. Ever!

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