August gardens mean … loads of color, endless blooms, and (in my case) an over-abundance of yellow beans (brought on by my enthusiasm for planting seeds in the spring, no doubt)!

The flowers are in their hey day, though … enjoy!

‘David’ phlox and ‘Bubblegum’ petunias, which are growing like crazy!

I love this combination of marigolds and ‘Goldsturm’ rudbeckia.

My ‘Limelight’ hydrangea has the biggest blooms that almost seem to glow in the evening!

My hibiscus plant is loving all the sun and heat on our patio.

And the zinnias love the patio as well … I’ve never planted zinnias in pots before but I did this year. Not bad! These are ‘Swizzle Cherry’ and in the background are ‘Profusion Double Salmon.’

August gardens via

And I have just a few sunflowers … these aren’t as big as the mammoth sunflowers but the flowers are so gorgeous and the plants still got pretty tall!


This plant is rudbeckia ‘herbstsonne’ and the plant easily gets 6-8 feet tall.

And my ‘Peegee’ hydrangea treat in the front of the house. 

If you follow my blog at all, then you can probably tell hydrangea is one of my favorite flowers. I have six varieties of hydrangeas planted on our property!

I’ll post again soon when I have time!

xoxo – Lara

3 Comments on August Gardens

  1. My Hydrangeas didn’t even bud out this summer! They are full of leaves and look great but no flowers!😢

    • Oh no, Dawn! I am so sorry to hear that! Do you know what variety(ies) you have? I know some bloom on old growth while others bloom on new growth, so it can depend on when/if you prune them.


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