Happy Sunday, friends!  The weekend officially kicked-off the start of several birthday celebrations for me. I guess turning 50 is kind of a big deal. 😉 Here are a few of my favorite snaps:

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First up on Saturday … a golf date with Joe and Teacher Man. Thanks to my tennis elbow issues (ugh!), I haven’t golfed much in two summers but I’m starting to feel better about how my game is coming along. I am impatient and can’t stand when I have struggling moments, especially with my fairway shots, but I have to remember I can’t expect to just spring back to my old form … it’s a work in progress!

Weekend Wrap-Up | printmyemotions.com

Next up … a trip to the farm to hang out with my family and celebrate my birthday a little early. I never tire of this view of the backyard … fields and bins in the distance and my mother’s beautiful gardens everywhere. 

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Another sister selfie in the books!

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A break after supper for the dogs … this is just 3 of the 7. My parents have a Siberian Husky named Lobo (isn’t she gorgeous?!) and my brother’s family has the English Bulldog and French Bulldog seen here. 

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Here’s Princess Leia, who loves a good tummy rub! We dogsat Leia back in August and she was definitely ‘my girl’ – she followed me everywhere!

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Here I am hanging on the back deck with Teacher Man.

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And the lovely Miss Morgan. 🙂

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My mom made my favorite homemade spaghetti and (turkey!) meatballs along with homemade bolognese sauce from her tomatoes. So delicious! And the meal was capped off with my favorite cookies and a luscious white cake with lemon curd and cream cheese frosting. (It made a very tasty breakfast this morning too!)

Weekend Wrap-Up | printmyemotions.com

My mom made this birthday card using artwork I did when I was in elementary school! She also surprised me with a big bag full of other art projects she had saved from my school years. What fun to go through these and reminisce!

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This one in particular made us all laugh! Apparently it was fate that I work for Minnesota’s turkey farmers – I was wishing for Thanksgiving all the time when I was growing up!

Weekend Wrap-Up | printmyemotions.com

Later, my siblings, their spouses, and Teacher Man and I went out to continue the celebration. Here, you can see these very interesting three-part shots — first was butterscotch schnapps and Jameson, second was plain orange juice, and third was a piece of bacon. 

Weekend Wrap-Up | printmyemotions.com

On Sunday morning, we all descended onto the huge pumpkin patch and picked A LOT of pumpkins and gourds – an annual tradition with Grandma, Grandpa and the grandkids!

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These snake gourds are so cool!

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The big pumpkins were fun to find in the pumpkin patch – and this one in particular was a perfect upright shape!Weekend Wrap-Up | printmyemotions.com

It was definitely a bumper crop this year!

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All packed up and ready to head home – golf clubs and pumpkins and gourds, oh my!

I’m certainly feeling blessed as I head into the work week. I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well!

xoxo – Lara

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