I’m seeing lots of fun posts from people who ran the Twin Cities Marathon or 10k today … and also posts from friends who are doing the #Last90days challenge and getting up an hour earlier, exercising every day, and drinking their weight in water. Meanwhile, I’m over here eating apple cinnamon swirl coffee cake for dessert tonight. 🤔🤣

Apple Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake | via printmyemotions.com

After a crazy busy September (we were gone 4 weekends in a row!), it was nice to be home this weekend with absolutely no schedule, except for a confirmation retreat (Joe) and a slightly unexpected shopping trip to buy a new washer and dryer (Teacher Man and me).

Our dryer conked out – again! – so we decided it was time to buy a new washer/dryer pair. Unfortunately our house looks like a dry cleaner business right now because we won’t get the new set until October 17. That means I’m washing and fluff drying clothes before hanging them up to dry all over the house. And OF COURSE this all happened the week when we have company three times, including Joe’s big confirmation party on Sunday. Isn’t that always the way it goes?

Last weekend we traveled to a family wedding in Iowa and had such a fun time seeing everyone!


This is my cousin, Christine, whose daughter was the bride, and my sister. Amazing women, amazing friends!


This picture was taken right after the wedding: Teacher Man, my mom, my niece (Miss A), Joe, my sister, and another niece (Miss Morgan). 


These ladies! We have so much fun when we all get together … my Aunt Ailene and my sister-in-law, Dana, along with my sister. (Thanks to Uncle Duane for taking the pic!) 

My one job for the wedding? Bring the liquor for the pre-wedding shots with the mother-of-the-bride (my cousin), two of her close friends, and my sister! I chose Rumchata … because, well, why not Rumchata? My sister declares it’s like “Christmas in a cup” – and I think it was perfect for that chilly, damp day. Our group snuck away from the church and found a secluded area to officially toast the MOB – with red solo shot cups, of course!

Rumchata Shots | via printmyemotions.com

The picture’s a little blurry (sorry!) but I know you get the idea. 😉 

Back to this weekend … Teacher Man, Joe, and I spent some time doing fall yard and garden work on Saturday before the apparent monsoon rains come tonight through Wednesday. Ugh – the forecast looks terrible and is definitely causing stress amongst the farmers needing to get into their fields to harvest.

Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com

I planted my carrots late this year so I guess I could harvest them late too! They weren’t terribly big but they were very tasty!

Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com

All the sedums are in their glory right now – including this T. Rex variety.

Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com

The boys did some tree trimming, which was much needed. Based on Joe’s expression, I’d say he was thinking a photo was not needed! 😉 

Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com

I freshened up the front of the house by getting rid of some overgrown pots that I was getting tired of and bringing in some Halloween accents. 

Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com Fall Gardening | via printmyemotions.com

I’ll leave you with this photo of me in Total Wine & Spirits on Saturday. Teacher Man thought the sign above my head was hilarious … and certainly fitting since I just turned 50 in September. 😉 


Thanks for reading, friends, and watch for a new Turkey Tuesday recipe post this week!

xoxo – Lara

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