A few years ago, I really honed in on collecting milk glass and went on the hunt for a few fun pieces.

Now, to be completely honest, I donโ€™t know know if all my pieces are actually โ€˜milk glass.โ€™ But also in all honesty, I donโ€™t really care. I only collect pieces that speak to me โ€” some are milk glass, some may not be, but all are pieces I love.

As long as a piece makes me happy, Iโ€™m good! (Although this is a good primer/milk glass 101 post here.)

Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com
Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com

So there you have it โ€ฆ my milk glass collection. Iโ€™m always on the look out for new and unique pieces, so Iโ€™m sure my collection will only grow from there.

Do you have a collection that brings you joy?

xoxo โ€“ Lara

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