I hope you will allow me a proud mom post today. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Joe had his spring piano recital and played a song called โ€œGuilty As Charged.โ€ Heโ€™s been working on it for several months and itโ€™s an absolutely beautiful song. And today, he basically nailed it!

Trust me, he put some extra time into practicing this morning and early afternoon, which was not without some frustrations and recital day anxiety. Joe, you see, is a perfectionist and wants to perform every song as perfectly as possible. Musicians will understand, though, how difficult that is โ€“ no matter how well you know the song. Sometimes it happens โ€“ and sometimes itโ€™s an off day.

Today, though, Joe had his day. This makes me happy because it makes Joe happy. I donโ€™t care if he has a hiccup in the middle of a recital song โ€” I know that he knows this song. Iโ€™ve heard it nearly everyday for several months. However, I want Joe to be proud of himself and all his hard work, and I want him to be happy with how he played. As a pianist myself, I know what the stress of a recital can feel like and I also know how fantastic it feels to give a really good performance!

Joe was happy. His teacher was beyond thrilled and so proud. And Grandma Marilyn, Teacher Man, and I all had big smiles on our faces after his performance. (Plus Grandma was amazed he basically never looked at the music โ€“ he had the entire song memorized.)

Mission accomplished!

You can take a listen here โ€ฆ if you are so inclined. ๐Ÿ™‚

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