May flowers always bring me plenty of smiles and joy. There is just something about the gardens this time of year.

May flowers are new and fresh and bright and so colorful.

May flowers signal that summer is almost here.

May flowers also mean May vegetables are starting to grow, with the cool weather crops nearly ready for their first harvest.

See what I mean? So much to love about May flowers.

I spent the better part of my afternoon shopping for flowers at my local garden store and then planting containers. My mom also gave me some perennials from her gardens so I also got those into the ground.

(We had a social distancing get-together with my parents and sister and her family yesterday. It was the first time we’ve all seen each other since before the ‘shelter in place’ order came down mid-March in Minnesota. We have missed these get-togethers very much!)

After a wonderful day planting May flowers, I took some photos for this post and also made a very summery dessert, strawberry crumble bars, (recipe here). All in all, a happy Sunday during a long, holiday weekend.

I hope you enjoy the May flowers, my friends!

xoxo – Lara

May flowers - via
May flowers - via
This basket is giving me high hopes for tons of trailing color! I planted Proven Winners Supertunia ‘Vista Bubblegum’ petunias, which are super prolific and grow fast. This hanging basket sits just off our backyard patio, close to the hummingbird feeders to be enticing!
May flowers - via
Look who came for a visit today, strolling through our yard like nobody’s business! 😉

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