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A Few Good Things, Part 2

It’s been a while since I posted about a few good things I am digging right now. And since it’s already May and a good 6 weeks into this whole COVID-19 shelter in place situation, I figure I have a few more good things to share! Planning the Day This is my Daily Page Planner […] Read more…

One Word 365: Possibility | via printmyemotions.com

One Word 365: Possibility

My one word 365 is possibility. I’ve seen many of my fellow bloggers and friends choose one word to focus on for 2020. I really didn’t have any intention of jumping on the bandwagon – until this morning. Here’s why I was sitting in my porch, drinking a cup of coffee and listening to the […] Read more…

It’s 39 Degrees. (Plus – Turkey Eggs!)

For real. It’s 39 degrees outside on May 19. Very funny, Mother Nature. The winter-like weather didn’t stop this little iris from blooming, though, and that made me smile – while I was outside in my parka and stocking cap covering up my celery, broccoli and onions. Good thing I haven’t planted anything else. I […] Read more…

Gerbera Daisy

Porch Swing Pondering

I’m sitting on my porch swing right now taking in the glorious evening. Light breeze, temps in the low 70s, no mosquitos. Let me put this another way: today was the warmest it’s been since sometime in September of last year. We deserve this evening in Minnesota. But I’m really not here to talk about […] Read more…

Spring Pansies via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Randomness

Here we are on another Sunday night and weirdly, I feel like I have all this energy right now. I have no idea why – just that I was pretty productive today and I hope this carries over to the week ahead. Friday evening Teacher Man and I headed over to Norm’s Wayside Rest to […] Read more…

Milk Glass | printmyemotions.com

Collecting Milk Glass

A few years ago, I really honed in on collecting milk glass and went on the hunt for a few fun pieces. Now, to be completely honest, I don’t know know if all my pieces are actually ‘milk glass.’ But also in all honesty, I don’t really care. I only collect pieces that speak to […] Read more…


It is Well with My Soul

I’m feeling a little out-of-sorts today. On one hand, it was a glorious spring weekend and it felt almost life-changing to be able to be outside and feel the warm sunshine. On the other hand, I guess I’m just not looking forward to the whole ‘back to work’ thing tomorrow. This is typical for me […] Read more…

Day of Rest

I’ve been totally lax about posting this month. Okay, more like nonexistent since my Happy New Year post. That’s never my intention, but sometimes life gets in the way. 😉 Work has ramped up, as it always does, once January 1 hits. (Which isn’t to say I was bored prior to that – far from […] Read more…

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