About Me

Skol Vikings!

Happy Fri-yay!!! 😉 I am camped on the couch right now, enjoying a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, and catching up on some cooking magazines. This makes me more happy than you can possibly imagine. Yes, this is my Friday night. And yes, I’m a total geek. I am still struggling with finding the time to […] Read more…

Vanilla Chocolate Chip Mini Scones


I can’t believe it’s basically been a month since I’ve posted.  Well, I can believe it – but I don’t necessarily like it. November was a whirlwind – so busy at work with the National Thanksgiving Turkey project and trying to fit in a little LuLaRoe in between a little family time and a little […] Read more…

Monday Musings | via printmyemotions.com

Monday Musings

Well hello Monday, we meet again.  Except this Monday is really my Tuesday – so it’s the best kind of Monday! I have Friday off and this weekend is my annual Girls Weekend extravaganza! This year we are flying to Chicago to spend some time exploring Michigan Avenue (okay – shopping) and catching up on […] Read more…


Relax and Recharge

When life and work and all that the weekdays entail get crazy and stressful, I realized a while ago that I like to go home and spend time doing the mundane. Like take the time to cook dinner for my family. And empty the clean dishes out of the dishwasher. And even throw a load […] Read more…


I’m Random. Get Over It.

Oh-Em-Gee … this day essentially was brain overload. Or maybe a better way to explain … multi-tasking overload. Like ridiculously so. My work at the office was coming at me from all directions and I felt overwhelmed. (Nobody’s fault but my own, by the way. But still.) Plus it was like appointment central between the […] Read more…

Wednesday Night in My Town via printmyemotions.com

Wednesday in my Town

It’s Wednesday night and I went for a walk around downtown Buffalo while Joe was meeting with his confirmation small group at the new ice cream shop. (Usually they meet at church but today was different – a social night, it was called – so the boys and their leader bought ice cream and they […] Read more…

Embrace Your Age | printmyemotions.com

Embrace Your Age.

This is 49. Or well, almost. If you want to get really technical, then Sunday this will be 49. My birthday. My last year in my 40s. And you know what? It’s been a pretty fantastic run. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to say I’m going to be 49. Is it a little strange? Sure. […] Read more…

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